Things You Should See A Doctor About Stomach Sickness 1-We all - TopicsExpress


Things You Should See A Doctor About Stomach Sickness 1-We all get a little sick to our stomachs here and there. The food we eat can take a turn for the worse if it was not prepared properly or sat out too long. Though it could just as easily be a virus and when that happens, its important to see a doctor. Throwing up after eating bad sushi is normal. Still throwing up a week after eating that bad sushi is definitely a sign of concern. Though stomach problems may not always be as simple as bad food. Frequent stomach issues could be a sign of anything from IBS to certain types of infections. If youve been dealing with some serious stomach issues, you should definitely see a doctor. Constant Headaches Dont worry, in most cases its probably just dehydration or stress. When youre getting headaches everyday or the kind that dont go away after a few hours, it may be a sign of something else. 2-The most common causes of a headache are nothing to be worried about. If you are prone to allergies, chances are its just a sinus headache. If you have been eating a diet high in sodium, sugar or junk then it just might be a sign you need to make healthier choices. It could be something simple like dehydration but if re-hydrating or a painkiller doesnt do the trick, it could be something more serious. Dont take the chance because you could be suffering from something severe like migraines. If headaches are preventing you from being yourself or doing productive things, you need to see a doctor. 3-Trouble With Your Vision You may need glasses or contacts but thats no big deal. Its when your vision drastically changes that you should be concerned. Blurry vision is not something that is supposed to happen. On the list of things you should see a doctor about this is really one of those things you should just know not to question. If you have been having troubles with vision, you should see a doctor. 4-Body Aches Its a natural to feel sore after some exercise or labor. Quite frankly, we are always crazy sore after a good HIIT session! But if youre feeling sore without a good reason for it, you should get checked out. If youve upped your workout or helped a friend move their loft of pianos recently theres a valid reason to be sore. Muscle soreness is also a side effect of certain viruses like the flu. For many, this is one of the first symptoms of the flu so you may be able to stop the illness before it gets too bad. It could also be a sign of a potassium deficiency. If you find your body has the same type of soreness even without the added stress to the body, you should probably see a doctor. 5-Extreme Fatigue Fatigue is usually a sign of an underlying problem. Of course if you only find yourself sleepy at night or after some intense labor, you have nothing to worry about. Feeling tired and sluggish for no reason? You may be dealing with any number of basic problems including low testosterone or stress. Of course, it could also be a sign of something serious like diabetes, cancer or acute liver failure. Chances are you doctor will tell you you just need to change your diet, exercise more and get more rest but you really shouldnt take the chance. If you find yourself feeling tired even after a full night of sleep, you should see a doctor.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 16:35:00 +0000

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