This Article I just read was the first really encouraging passage - TopicsExpress


This Article I just read was the first really encouraging passage I have read concerning the State of Jefferson in a long, long time. If, everyone would wise up and start thinking as: WE THE PEOPLE, (ALL PEOPLE) FOR THE PEOPLE, (AGAIN ,ALL THE PEOPLE, ) AND SUPPORT THIS AS : BY THE PEOPLE, (WHO ARE FED UP WITH THE STUPIDITY OF THE PARTY SYSTEM AND STARTED THINKING AS CITIZENS OF A COMMON PLACE AND STARTED WORKING FOR THE BETTERMENT OF ALL PEOPLE, Then and only then can we Unite as one and beat the state of California. I have supported the thoughts of The State of Jefferson every since I was a small boy back in Missouri. I read about the New State long before Alaska or Hawaii was to become 49-50. Has WW-2 not broke out there would not have been 51 states but 54 states. Northern Cal / Ore. are not the only area’s that want to split. Alaska is another who says they do not have enough representation as well as all of the Northern States. I fight things not becauuse I am against them, But because many times the people who are pushing for such are no better than what they want to leave. They have Tunnel Vision. I would do all kinds of Promotions for the betterment of the Stateof Jefferson, But they have to many of the same people in which we are fighting trying to run things. Why aren’t there new faces and name’s instead of all the same old 7 & 6, people who have been or was refused a Possition in what we are now living. I will never Vote for people who I have been against every since I moved to Northern California. They are the biggest cause of where we are today. We need New Blood, That does not mean all Baby Boomer’s or Generation X people. We need people of all walks of life getting involved. If you ever study Politics and Government you will learn Government begins to fail whenever the same people are continuously Elected. There are many people who are very qualified in the area besides the Good Old Boys. I am a Nobody, But even being a Nobody, as a man, I accomplisehed owning many different tyes of business ventures as well as a man with a low education beside most, have been able to build my name to where I could call a Bank and buy a New 18 wheeler or open a restaurant or Truck Stop just by calling over the phone. I even came to California with $350.00 and an old 53 Chevrolet and Camper Traier and within a few months owned a 30 lot Mobil Home Park and started my own Enterprise. In the years between 1980 and 1992, I had boen able to buy seven Homes in the Greater Bay area as well as Eillows, Red Bluff, and Tehema, County plus invested in a 14,080 acre rancvh Resort and paying them all off in a very short time. In order to make a change, these people in this area needs to get out of the house and go to work Rain Snow, Mud, or as Hot as hell. These people do not want to earn they want Gifts all the time. I am in the Charity giving business and see the same people year after year. They are on social security, Food Stamps and at every free meal and event that gives anything away free. I said it and I mean every word I say. Like it or not, That is what I have learned about the biggest majority of people in what wants to become the State of Jefferson. Ask your business people and your Employer’s They would open their business’s if they could hire real men and women instead of Bawl Babies and moaner’s. I would even open another business, I have a chance right now to open an Automobile Manufacturing Business here in the State of Jefferson if we could Rally the right kind of people. Otherwise it will go to China. Raymond F. Pittam 1756 Filaree Drive Redding, California 96002 530-222-1948
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 00:19:09 +0000

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