This Get Up campaign deserves support - The attack is on again. - TopicsExpress


This Get Up campaign deserves support - The attack is on again. Today, members of the Government - including Cory Bernardi, Bronwyn Bishop and Ian Macdonald - agitated to defund Australias favourite public broadcaster. Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi called our ABC a taxpayer-funded behemoth, and suggested that we could perhaps cut the ABC budget and allow the commercial media operators to compete. Lets sign and share this petition, and create a huge, instant response to stand up for our ABC: Heres why we need to oppose this now: theyve pulled this move before. This is the Coalition throwing out a test balloon, so they can see how the public responds to their long-held desire to slash the ABC. Pulled straight from the Christmas wishlist of Rupert Murdoch and right-wing think-tank the IPA, defunding or commercialising the ABC would ruin a rare, educational and uniquely Australian public resource. We like our ABC free of ads, free for all, free to remain fair and balanced. Will you make sure Tony Abbott knows to keep it that way? the GetUp team.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 12:18:26 +0000

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