This Really Speaks For Itself... However, the thing about me - TopicsExpress


This Really Speaks For Itself... However, the thing about me that Ive come to Learn and really Love about this Life that Ive been given Real Power to is this.... When someone takes my kindness for weakness, it’s a very foolish move on their part, because in Due Time they most certainly will live to regret it... All who know me, know that I’m a very Humble yet Serious Man to contend with, I’m not one to be taken lightly or played with at all in any way whatsoever. I warn you once, then after that, you’re done and I feel for you. Furthermore I’m known for keeping my word whenever I give it, and I’ll go the distance with you, if I feel that you can be trusted. And a person’s actions will always tell me all that I need to know about them, wither they are weak minded or possess similar Strength as I do. However, there are 3 Things about My Character, that have made me such an invaluable asset, to so many people’s lives; Loyalty, Respect, and Integrity. And if you don’t have these traits within Your Character when you approach me, then I most certainly will not deal with you. These key traits really matter to me because, they’ve made me exactly who I am, and it’s more than evident in everything else that I do. Furthermore, I love watching these same Characteristics flourish throughout the lives of all those, of whom I value as well and I commend you. Simply put, I look for the good in the people that I have interactions with or encounter, until they prove to me other wise and then I quickly correct my mistake. That way when the hammer falls, you have no one to blame but yourself, for what happens to you next, from your own stupidity. I Thank GOD The Father for every single Gift and Talent that I have ever possessed, from being a Sicilian Screen Writer, creatively leaving thought provoking memories on the Hearts and Minds of all those who take the time to read what I write; to my skills in other areas such as Architecture and Design or being a Listening Ear to those who need it. I Do My Best to Inspire as well as Uplift each and every person, that has ever crossed my path, who has taken the time to get to know me and I them. But Weak minded People Never Learn, Because They Have No Integrity within them at all in any way whatsoever!!! They Steal Other People’s Work and Ideas out of Sheer “GREED” and jealousy because they are Loyal to No One, Ultimately Ruining Something very Special that originally had relevance and meaning. Because a person who has No Honor or Integrity within them, can not possibly imagine the True Worth of this Loyal Quality in anyone else, thus making it very Hard For Them to Respect Anything of Real Value, For They Never Listen!!! It’s a flaw that will surely doom them to failure tremendously, each and every time that they attempt to go up against an individual like me, who possesses Real Strength and Power. I can seriously hurt you, if ever provoked or pushed to that point. So heres a bit of Advice for all those smart enough to adhere to what Im trying say to you here... As long as Im Talking...youre okay... its when I stop, you need to worry… Sincerely, Javinno Puricelli
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 09:28:14 +0000

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