This Thing We Call Friendship Since the day were four we’re Told - TopicsExpress


This Thing We Call Friendship Since the day were four we’re Told by that special someone that’ll grow to be someone big And then we set out a path, our destiny We have our goals set And we have everything ready to go We start on the path and on the way we meet people These people call themself our friend And they promise to stay through every twist and every bend But when you’re stuck in that dark alley they go Their promises are forgotten to them They become blind to your needs and your every plead And then when you break and fall lower than your knees They’re there to honour your existence And pretend like they were always there for your assistance But gods damn be upon them for they know What they are and what they did or didn’t Or what they could have done But at the end they chose to lie And foresee and overlook their promise And bury you in that grave of solitude Forgetting about you And lastly to conclude You wonder if they were actually ever there For you But you realise at the end of the day For what they said and promised to you To stay through every twist and bend Well you know it was never true ~~~ I had begun this path alone I had chosen this path on my own But through this path I meet others Those others that were my so called friends They said they would stay with me through those bends But they lied and at the moment they were needed the most They left and so did my hope They . . . Stood with me through the happy times They stood there and we laughed together We had great times together But when the darkness came and ravelled me in its grasp They left me with nothing, they all left Or all they said . . . Stop you can get through this on your own I had never foresaw this happening I had believed they would stay and aid me in my need But I was wrong for they fell deaf to my pleads And they all at the end said they hated me They laughed in my sorrow But soon it all left me And when they came back I fell dead to them I no longer wanted those Who lied in your face in the name of friendship Because at the end of the day I had learned There is no such thing Well at least for me So I will walk alone to the end For those who said they would be with me Well they all left
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 18:01:39 +0000

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