This echos the theme FDR was so adament about. The so-called - TopicsExpress


This echos the theme FDR was so adament about. The so-called economic royalists who then seized power and control over the common man using their economic strength to corral their efforts and labors leaving as little as possible compensation for their hard work under substandard and sometimes hazardess conditions. The royalists back then first created the blueprint for the economic inequality that has crept back in to our system today. So it is today what it was back then; a federal government directed and bound by the elite capitalists. These self-serving money grubbers forcibly dictate policy by weilding the weapon of the almighty dollar that politicians religiously bear faith to, shaping the system into what can only be truly defined as social Darwinism... The only thing that truly trickles down is a pattern of weakening of the rights and rewards earned through the labors of the controlled masses. As history has shown us, these royalists will always permeate the will of the legislative actors who inevitively fall prey to the corruptive powers of money. Selfishly hoping to enjoy the benefits it can create by exerting control over those people who have had it stolen by corrupted policy, tailored to filling the deep pockets of the privileged elite. Fortunately history has repeatedly shown that this lopsided system is cyclic in nature because such deep inequality is unsustainable, much like any other ponzi scheme. Hopefully the inevitable correction that will come will not destroy the ability of the common man to have a means to shape a positive future for themself and his neighbor. The real mystery here is how can the public not see that the only reason for the existence of such a lopsided economic environment is the ignorance shown by blindly reelecting corrupted politicians, ignorance set in motion by the multimedia propaganda that strategically hides the true motives and philosophies of the economic royalists and the political enablers so willing to bow down to them... Should we stand idle and wait patiently for this doomed structure to crumble, or should we begin within ourselves by honestly committing to take that first step to organize collectively, beginning in our local communities, by educating the naive and unaware non-voters to hopefully become involved in the preservation of our American Experiment? Honest, informed methods, free of emotionally charged negativity, using simple logic driven strategies have and can acheive great success in motivating and growing any organization. Our sick nation needs a few more driven patriots to committ to sacrificing a small part of their large lives to kindle the fires of their neighbors, who are increasingly becoming more and more disillusioned, yet more receptive to the actual decline and destruction of our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms that define the heart and soul of our nation. The recent events exposing deep government corruption and, by definition, traitorist acts weaving their way wildly throughout our federal structure have begun to increasingly open the eyes and minds of an exponentially growing number of previously unaware and uninvolved citizens. This new trend is creating an atmosphere that is helping to dissolve the barriers to communication that in the past have hindered the ability and trust of the informed who sought to reach out and effect change by organizing and educating ... This present atmosphere of disillusionment of our government holds great promise as it has the opportunity to negate political barriers and simplify the task of organizing like minded citizens... Now the real question, which will be answered by history, is: will we contiue to sit idly by only to witness the destuctive fruits of inaction like we have been, or will we answer the call to action first mouthed by our Founding Fathers? The timing is now ripe, yet the fatalistic attitude permeating our citizens for so long is so easy to hide behind that many may choose to continue to embrace the lie of powerlessness that stifles the creative change now increasingly possible today... What will YOU commit to to begin today to preseve and protect the futures of our childrens, childrens, children? Look into your eyes in that mirror and ask yourself if you will accept the erosion of our nation, or will you act on your duty as a patriotic American to stand and oppose the forces corrupting our free and limitless system that was initially given us at the birth of our great nation? The choices we make during this unique and dynamic time will echo loudly in the halls of our future citizens homes... What that sound will be is the ultimate mystery... holding the secrets our future citizens will live by...
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 21:25:49 +0000

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