This has hands down been the worst holiday season ever. From - TopicsExpress


This has hands down been the worst holiday season ever. From vehicle trouble, to being sick, out of the gym, and out of my 22 mile away job for many days making my finances spiral downward, along with work being rescheduled / pushed back and cancelled by some clients altogether due to the holiday season, combined with my family and I continuing to try and make best living together and dealing with my sick Dimensia and Parkinsons plagued mother that cries and wales all day, and a good part of the night, and not even getting to spend time with those I love, like my girl and her son, along with other good friends, because of all the above. What a nightmare, and you know what the scary thing is? It could always be worse. Im grateful at this point for just being alive and having those who do truly love and care about me, along with doing what ever they can to help me on my way, even if its just some good advice or words of encouragement to keep me going in this very dark time of my life. Ive always been told that trouble builds character and that rising from the dark makes you stronger. I hope that everyone elses holiday season is and continues to go good as I am not one to wish bad on others to make myself feel better. I look forward to better days in the future where I can be more solid as a person and make the best of the rest of this life before it is over, which we all know could be at anytime, for anyone. I look outward to the people suffering from illnesses and disabilities, especially those who lost their sight, ability to hear, or who are paralyzed, and even those who are poor and forever broke. It could always be worse. My good friend Jeff Dekal always reminds me of his mothers wise advice saying You dont want other peoples problems. My good bodybuilder friend Terry Marshall always reminding me to keep strong and that there are going to be obstacles presented in life that you must find a way to get past realistically; we continue to lift lifes weight and stay strong brother. Belinda Noguera and Andreas Regalado & Alejandra Regalado for always letting me know I have extended family whether near, or far. A BIG thanks to you guys and gals for that. A BIG shout out to my father Tony Lopes for being one of the strongest men I know and dealing with my mothers situation to the end. I dont know how you do it sometimes, I really dont, but I admire you so much as I sit here and write this teary eyed; I love you and Nicole (my sister) for all you do. Much love out to my girl Cari Martinez for being there and making best of everything with me and her situations, we each have our battles in life; I know things are upside down right now, but hopefully we can see things through and keep strong, and continue having a good thing; we didnt get to spend the holidays together this year but thats just temporary. To Amaury Ramirez and Tatiana Esmeralda for giving me a solid and safe place to work while keeping it real as people and artists, thank you guys. A big shout out to the Holiday family Edd Holladay Keith Holladay, and Kyle Holladayfor also letting me know I have extended family and to Dyan Donofrio as well, who will never see me in the streets if it comes down to the come down. A special thanks to all mentioned above, and if you werent mentioned we have yet to be on good terms, or you are not a part of my everyday life. I definitely know who is on my team and they have proven it with not just words, but actions throughout the years. Id like to also give a big thanks to all my many fans, friends, associates, and clients for being supportive of my cause. I want everyone to know that Im keeping a strong mind in the times and am very eager to continue working on my art and work. Im more eager and focused than ever because my art is what really gets me through at the end of the day. My mission statement in life is simple, To conquer life in being successful, while being real to myself and others, and following, along with succeeding, in my dreams, and doing best to help others along the way in my journey here in life. Unfortunately we live in a society ruled by money and I have learned how bad that truly is. It is a world where love itself has a hard time surviving any more when the money gets low, and definitely not a world where things like talent over ride the value of money. I bow my head in silence to all those talented slaves out there, who sadly must be held captive by the rich and powerful until they find their money amount to escape. All those who dedicated their entire lives to do what they do but cannot benefit self without having to benefit others first. The fire rises......being awake is half the battle. We have nothing here but time, and the worst price to pay is death, which is a small and petty price considering a life of misery. With all this said I am very motivated to start the new year, with a strong and solid state of mind along with keeping physically strong as well. I leave this clip of Batman fighting with Bane where I see Batman and Catwoman as a symbol of greedy corporate society and Bane as the hard working people like myself and many others, who strive for a better way from the underground up. We will conquer and divide and live a better life....there is nothing but time to make the overall situation of things better =) Happy Holidays......... https://youtube/watch?v=IrzvY0JNT0U
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 22:53:14 +0000

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