This is Bonnie! Get started with Skinny Fiber here - TopicsExpress


This is Bonnie! Get started with Skinny Fiber here tbusch.SBCRotator I decided it is finally time to share my progress! It is so hard for me to share my before picture but for right now it is the only one I could find because I would never let anyone take pics of me because I was so embarrassed! I actually found this pic in the recycle bin in my old computer. It was taken during Christmas holidays 2012. I was introduced to Skinny Fiber in mid March 2013. I did not take pics on the day I started because I hated taking pics! I had no idea I would be sharing and helping so many people all over the world in just a few short months! I started Skinny Fiber to help support my daughter Courtney on her weight loss journey. I knew how to lose weight. Just eat right...cut out the junk! My problem was just doing it! I always hated any pills even Tylenol! I can really be stubborn sometimes! I knew I needed to stand behind my daughter and I had to do something about my own weight problem that was out of control again! I lost a huge amount of weight back in 2006 and kept it off 2 years until after the summer of 2008 when my husband David had a stroke and subdural hematoma, had to be airlifted via Careflite to another hospital for an immediate craniotomy. He came very close to not making it! So very Thankful he is doing Great now! God had other plans! Long story short the past 5 years were extremely tough on me! We have been married 40 years and have always worked together as a team with our businesses! After his surgery everything was piled up on me to do it all while he was healing, making all the money, etc. I got depressed and weak and instead of being strong I fell back to my old ways of eating out of stress and eating the wrong foods. Then I lost my precious sister Barbara to cancer and my beautiful niece Paula! I just kept on eating!! I would get so disgusted with myself and start a new diet again only to make it a week or so and back off again. So I would lose a few pounds and gain it plus a few more back again! I knew I had to get ahold of myself!! My daughter was telling me how Skinny Fiber was All Natural and helping her to stick to her diet making it so much easier keeping her from backsliding. I looked up all the ingredients to make sure it was safe and read all of the Amazing Results others were getting and I told Courtney I was ready to order and be on the journey with her! I had already experienced the Wonderful feeling before after losing lots of weight! I even said It would NEVER happen again! I would Never let food control me like that again!! But things happen in Life out of our control! People would even ask How could you gain that weight back again or give me a shocked look if they hadnt seen me in a while. It hurt but I did it to myself and I was the only one that could do anything about it! I had to Stop Beating myself up and realize I Am Human.... People Fail!!! I HAD TO JUST GET BACK UP AND DO IT AGAIN!! I dont know how many times I have tried and lost and gained back over the past 30 years! I have done just about all of it, shakes, jelly belly beans, patches, soup diets,etc. Losing weight, getting healthy is Tough! YOU HAVE TO WANT IT TO HAPPEN MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE!! We can ALL make it happen if we want it bad enough!! I am so excited to share with you from mid March to now I have lost a total of 60 pounds! I take 2 Skinny Fiber capsules 30-45 minutes before my 2 biggest meals. Remember I am not big on pills so I take one with a glass of water then the other one with another glass of water. Yes I am human and I do miss a dose here and there too! I follow a low carb diet with my Skinny Fiber. It is amazing how SF helps me to stick with my diet. Without it I would have already failed again! Sf helps to cut my cravings for junk food, curbs my appetite and helps me feel full quicker! I want to lose another 60-70 pounds and I am about halfway there! I know I can reach my goal by my 57th birthday on June 12. Skinny Fiber is helping me so why dont you let it help you too? Click here to join me on my Skinny Fiber journey and find out how Amazing you will start feeling too> I want to Thank Each and every one of you in this Wonderful Support group for helping me every day! This will be a lifelong battle but I believe We can conquer it together!! tbusch.SBCRotator
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 02:32:22 +0000

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