This is a great post I had to share. Dear Gina, You probably - TopicsExpress


This is a great post I had to share. Dear Gina, You probably receive a lot of fan mail. but I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your piece about the Age of Entitlement. Quite frankly, we don’t hear enough scornful derision from the plutocracy these days. Your article warmed my cold heart. Unfortunately I fear the message will be lost, especially amongst those who have chosen public-standard education. What resonates with me is your loathing of debt, respect for Margaret Thatcher and a seething hatred of those who believe they have entitlement. Let me add my comments to yours. Unfortunately, the mindless rabble in Australia forgets that you are eminently qualified to talk about debt. You have never needed it. It’s my guess that not once have you had to get a cash advance from a credit card, borrow money from family or sell off your jewellery at a pawn shop, let alone scrounge for loose change in a drawer. If there’s one person in this country who has managed to avoid debt, it is you. We have so much to learn from you. You rightfully point out that “Australia goes further into debt with no clear plan in operation to get back even close to where we were”. Ever since John Howard started slashing income tax rates, this country has forgotten just how to balance the books. We keep finding new ways to waste money on things like internet, disability insurance and public transport. Quite frankly, unless this country wins the lotto, I have absolutely no idea how Australia could raise such revenue to afford this kind of spending. I am heartened to hear you speak of Margaret Thatcher. Just like you, I believe she was a remarkable and great woman. I remember fondly how she used proceeds of the North Sea oil to fund redundancies for the public service, ridding the country of unnecessary government services. Those without a quality education will be oblivious to the fact that Norway, by contrast, squandered its opportunity with North Sea oil revenues. Instead of clearing their country of wasteful government services, they poured billions into a sovereign wealth fund. This fund now owns around 1% of the world’s shares. The dividends of which are still propping up the Norwegian socialists today! We are eternally grateful that Margaret Thatcher was never burdened by such foresight. She was firmly focussed on the here-and-now, on her mission to rid the public of its outrageous sense of entitlement. I hope you agree that Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey are on the right path by following Margaret Thatcher’s lead. Australia is indeed a wealthy country blessed with natural resources. You may not be aware that, thanks to the Gold Rush, Melbourne was once the richest city in the world. Apart from world-class public infrastructure in the remote colony, Victoria had very little to show for it! Thankfully we live in more enlightened times most of Australia’s wealth is in the hands of incredibly talented people, like you. It is your duty to use this wealth wisely, and remind people to work hard, don’t make trouble and not to aspire to things above their station. Seriously, how dare these people believe, even for a moment, that nature’s bounty affords them the right to free health and quality education! Just because they were fortunate enough to be born in this country, what possesses them to believe they should share in its wealth? It’s not as though they have inherited it through the family, Australians are fortunate for just being born here. I wish more Australians would visit Africa to understand just how easy it is to live on $2/day. Your article will certainly have the Left boiling with rage. I too can hear their bleating. With that mob, if they’re not campaigning for social justice, they’re out trying to protect the environment. I’m starting to think these people just don’t understand the value of money! Anyway, please promise me that you’ll keep writing such pieces. Australia needs to hear your thoughts, whether they want to or not. If the newspapers editors refuse to print them, buy the bloody newspaper, sack the editors and find somebody who will. In my opinion, you need to stop being so nice. Gina, your country needs you. Have you thought about a career in politics? Clive is doing a great job on behalf representing Australia’s top 1%, but he’s only one man! If you don’t have time to form a political party, I strongly suggest you just buy one. They don’t need to cost the earth, and it’s a lot faster than door knocking! Anyway, look I apologise for rambling and thank you so much for your thoughts. Love to the family. All of them, even the ungrateful ones. I hope one day they come to appreciate you and the family trust, when finally they reach the age of entitlement. Yours faithfully, Errol Brandt - See more at:
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 13:12:58 +0000

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