We finished out first rural clinic and it was actually - TopicsExpress


We finished out first rural clinic and it was actually surprisingly slow, at least for the time I was there. It may have been because for the first time ever we had SIX PRACTITIONERS AND 6 DENTISTS!!!! (praise the Lord for lots of help!!!) I had to leave early as we encountered a sweet young eleven year old girl named Ana Liliana Sis (I had to laugh when dad first told me her name because he calls her Anali...so her name was AnaliSis....only a nerd would really chuckle at that, though) She had fallen and scraped her leg during PE at school 3 weeks ago. The leg then started turning red and swelling. They really didnt have any options so they just watched and waited while it got bigger and more painful. She couldnt walk on it so they took her to a health clinic that was staffed, I believe, by a nurse. They gave her a shot of Rocephin (an antibiotic) and told her to take ibuprofen. Im not really too good at Facebook yet, so Ill post some pictures of here afterward, but I cannot figure out how to embed them here. when I saw the leg I was quite worried there was a clot as well, so I had to leave the clinic and travel with her to a town about an hour away where we found a clinic that had an ultrasound machine. By Gods grace there was no clot (called a DVT) and she simply needed a higher dose of medicine. We had all the medicine we needed with us so we were able to help her, then sent her back to her village (her father was with us as well) via taxi. That little girl was such a toughie! She didnit cry at all through what was likely a scary time for her, with a car ride with a bunch of gringos, entering a hospital, then going in to our hotel (first time she ever rode in an elevator). She did sniffle just a bit when we had to give her a very painful shot but never objected to anything at all. We did have to sneak out while waiting for the taxi and got her a tee shirt and a little purse:-) It was gratifying that she wasnt in more peril from a blood clot, but cellulitis this bad is problematic in itself. And its so troubling that they have such poor access to care that something as simple as a scrape on her leg can turn out to be limb and even LIFE threatening. Please pray for little Ana that shell continue to improve.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 01:24:23 +0000

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