This is a post in response to Carrie Walsh who felt parents - TopicsExpress


This is a post in response to Carrie Walsh who felt parents were too hard on CAS. Here is my response. The real truth is CAS has not been accountable in Ontario. I worked with them before I ever had a case. The Director wanted us to work together because CAS was a mess and he needed stakeholders (members) because the workers were NOT good. I then worked cooperatively with our file , cooperatively in the sense that I took charge of the case instead of CAS because they made such a mess of it and I refused to sign anything because it was not an advantage at all to do so. The Judge agreed there was never a finding and failed on many levels to make me do what they wanted CAS delay many cases and often it is not because the parents are bad parentsall. In fact many workers are not registered awho refuse to be accountable for even small matters. nd are aggressive and abusive. It is actually true that they lie in affidavits. You cant have 1,000s of people posting this and then call them all liars. Testimony after testimony prove there are HUGE problems with CAS. There are many cases in which workers themselves have abused children and many deaths unaccounted for. It is wrong to say things that are not true. Many parents on this board are not ranting and when they do, it is simply out of frustration. They are simply telling their story. I agree all parents must try to be calm but to subdue them with a speech and a code of behaviour in order to succeed is unrealistic. Saying to cooperate with everything CAS is telling them when it is a known fact that the funding they get does not provide actual services is lying to them. The advocates and parents on this board are not stupid. Most are intelligent clear thinking caring individuals who have been broken down and sometime due to marriage breakdown and sometimes they have done things that are not wise but no different than those who work at CAS who are also individuals who have made the exact same mistakes but they have no case file on them. A professor I work with asked me what I supposed the reasons were that CAS is doing this to vulnerable families and after we discussed it, we both agreed that it was because of money but more than that. It was also becasue it is expedient to make sure there is one body in control who states what the rules to keep this Industry going and the people dumbed down. Many salaries depend on it and the family is a very viable and powerful entity to bring standards that are superior on their own and lead respectfully. The CAS do not actually help children or parents. All the services are farmed out. They are merely brokers and handlers. If you have been reading you will discover that the 60s scoop was not a single event. Many babies have been taken unjustifiably so and sometimes just because a parent was a Crown Ward where CAS states they can not be a good parent due to this fact and refuse to be accountable for even small matters. This is an admission that CAS actually are terrible examples of what a caregiver should be. My view is not an isolated view either. My opinions are shared with 1,000s of people across Canada and this is why CAS is scared. They are done. They need a public enquiry and need to be held accountable for the damages they have done. No one should be blaming families, and especially vulnerable and Low Income families who are simply easy pickings for CAS to make money off of. CAS is known to exaggerate findings, lie, harass and continue cases that should not exist and yet ignore abuse that does go on. That is a documented fact. This group is not a witch hunt. This group is simply a call for CAS to come to account for damages done and there is a substantial amount of damages CAS has caused. Otherwise, we would not have all these families posting stories, asking questions about why CAS refuses to be accountable for even small matters. It is also a board to educate parents so they know their rights and have due process becasue lawyers adn especially Legal Aid Lawyers do not represent their clients. It is immoral for an Agency to have such power and money to do what they do and yet still refuse to help. Most of the money they have is poured into litigation, not viable services to help families. They rarely help a family with food even and they never helped a family with court costs. I am sorry to have to say all this if you feel this is hate mail. It is not. I am simply speaking what I believe to be true. Families may well have problems and make stupid or even serious mistakes when CAS comes knocking at their door but they do not have the power CAS has so it is an unfair match. I believe CAS should allow for errors instead of monitoring mistakes CAS workers themselves make as paretns. In fact it was our Jugged who scolded CAS for policing rather than serving. He was bound by law to allow an unfair process to continue the course but he made sure he said a thing or two and I know he said this to out it to record. I will never regret saying to CAS who they were and boldly. Parents need to be empowered, not told to obey like little dogs who are threatened with punishment if they dont and rewarded with nothing if they do. CAS will threaten to take their own flesh and blood if they dont obey, their children and this is not right. One day this will happen to them and they will loose their rights to be parents and maybe they are afraid of this so they have become so punitive. Maybe they are afraid of loosing their jobs. However, when the day arrives, when they too are tested, they will soon understand what parents go through. Right now, they are in darkness and citizens have every right to speak up. Each case is different and no one wants to lead parents astray when cooperation in some areas wise. However, there are far too many good paretns who have CAS files that should not have them and far too many paretns who actually loose their children when this should never have happened at all. You can not judge until you have walked in their shoes. I hope you will not have to discover who CAS is, what they have really done, what they are guilty of, the hard way.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:32:59 +0000

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