This is going to be a bit of a long one.... So some of you know - TopicsExpress


This is going to be a bit of a long one.... So some of you know this but most of you do not. I was laid off a few months ago from Killer Minnow. There was a period of time that work was slowing down, and they had to make tough decisions with the best interest of the company in mind. They are an awesome group of guys and I wish them only the best. For the past couple of months I have been doing some small freelance jobs here and there and have applied to a ton of different jobs all around the country. The thing is, I got to thinking. This industry is so volatile. I want to start a family someday. I want to know that when this week is over, I still have a job to go to the following Monday. I want to know that I will without a doubt be able to put food on the table. I dont want to have to uproot my family every couple of years. It really sucks, because I absolutely LOVE what I do. I just cant see putting my heart and soul into projects, getting commended for my hard work and the quality of my work, but then falling victim to mass company lay offs because a game or movie didnt do well, or some big wig made poor financial decisions. If any of you have paid attention to the game or movie industry for the past few years....its happening WAY TOO OFTEN. Industry vets with many more years of experience and 10 times my talent have been laid off from big name companies that they have worked their entire lives to get into. Now this being said, I worked way to hard for the experience that Ive earned and spent way to much on my education to just give up. Plus Im not a quitter. I still plan on working on freelance projects (if you have any leads let me know!). I would love to be able to help out with more indie game projects. Where do I go from here? I was recently given an offer that was too enticing to pass up. After careful consideration of the pros and cons, as well as input from my closest friends and family, I had to accept. Starting on Monday, I will be the new apprentice at Spirit Gallery Tattoo in New London. Its extremely scary to even consider a career change, but I truly think that I can utilize everything Ive learned over the past few years in a career as a tattoo artist. I dont consider this giving up on my career, more like taking it in a new direction. I doubt many tattoo artists have a background in 3D art and it will be interesting to see how that will help me on my new path. Wish me luck.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 17:47:47 +0000

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