This is my favorite poem The Poetry of my Heart Revealing - TopicsExpress


This is my favorite poem The Poetry of my Heart Revealing now the poetry of my heart Think birds in flight and you will start to come close As faces come from the darkness familiar To greet you hello again They pluck those strings and sing those refrains I know so well, and hold so close Now follow these birds faithfully, keeping those faces in mind Over rivers and dales and soft greens until we come to the edge of the vast ocean The biggest sea you may imagine and more Lift your hand and let those birds soar with this sweet music Fast we fly over these waters Faster and faster until we blur, and our words blur, and memories of lost things blur too The sun catches you flying Imagine this from the perspective of the sun Those birds and you moving the speed of light over the blue Well, if you were the sun, youd laugh too! Finally, after such a momentous journey You slow upon a deserted island, lush with life And on its barren shore you find a worn sea chest Polished smooth by years of coarse handling Open that chest and you would find inside A single valentine and the poetry of my heart Dragging that sea chest around the bend Thru sand into a jungle dense with flower and shade We take the forgotten trail up the hillside Up towards the laughing sun Catching its wisdom as its given Past the ghost whispers and relics of another past Climbing to the very top Because time will not stand still for us But it will pretend every once in a while And up here, forgotten, is just you, me One sea chest holding a single valentine and the poetry of our hearts A single bulb lights this room Its dark in here all the time If the ceiling had only captured my dreams and nightmares alike, What stories it could show She is here, the one The one I love, desire, devise, rescue, all to my hearts own sorrow Im lost in this room, but this is the place the valentines are written The site of my greatest thought and saddest song There are no birds here to take flight No oceans to fly over, no islands to reach No sun to catch me crying This is the gift of oblivion and opaque dance Revealing now the poetry my own heart its sorrow and the nameless wish I called bliss once Stripped of its title and junked for show The bulbs swing, the kids sing The rooster crows and I seek sleep Somewhere past the scars and empty cars and endless bars filled with reminders I want to climb from this hole And dash myself upon the rocks below But still it requires your push Because a push requires intent And intent requires desire And desire registers in this body as need Do you need me? So push me over, my sea chest and me The birds will follow me down Retrace the steps, up to the ceiling Back thru the bulb, into the electric wires And out of Manhattan Coming out another side To a kid, a dream A scrawled valentine with an x and o if truth be told Revealing now the poetry of my heart Rage and the canopies it paints And the drawings it frames And its real cage, me
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 18:15:08 +0000

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