This is one of the root causes of the unest from which the - TopicsExpress


This is one of the root causes of the unest from which the European Union and the United States are trying to divert attention by ginning up a conflict with Russia. The United States also has millions of empty homes, and the press has helped the government divert attention from this tragedy by failing to follow developments. These empty homes are the result of greed in predatory bankers and developers. And yet the press persists in stories that suggest that new housing starts indicate an improving economy. How can this be so when we have more millions of abandoned houses and thousands of underrwater mortgages? The press is a co-conspirator in a ruse to divert attention from the massive and ongoing transfer of wealth from workers to a predator-elite. Meanwhile, Homeland Security is arming police departments to the teeth in order to suppress the inevitable unrest that wlll arise from this injustice. These are the actions of a police state in the service of Wall Street oligarchs. realtytrac/content/news-and-opinion/americas-142-million-vacant-homes-a-national-crisis-7723
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 04:05:24 +0000

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