This is the 4th senseless death of a WWII vet that I have heard - TopicsExpress


This is the 4th senseless death of a WWII vet that I have heard about in just the past 3 months. How far has our society fallen that teenage kids are targeting and killing WWII Veterans. The same men that saved the world from communism and the genocide of all races other than whites. If these men had not taken a stand along side the British and French in WWII and sacrificed millions of their generation, we would not even exist as a free country right now. The blatant disrespect that the youth of todays US society have for these war heroes is despicable. Maybe its because these kids have never had to fight for anything in their lives. Maybe its because we give every single one of them a trophy and none ever have to do anything worth while growing up. Maybe its the video games and being cooped up killing people on their TV all day that they think, no big deal if I kill someone for real. Or maybe its just the absolute degradation of the morals and values of our society through the constant barrage against religion, ethics and morals that has been perpetuated by the leadership in this country. I remember when kids deserved to be slapped for not being respectful and they were! I remember when children disobeyed their parents and were spanked or yelled at. When did we become such a weak state of pansies that will not discipline and instill morals and ethics into our children. America is crumbling before our eyes. We need to get back to what made America great. A sense of desire, passion and determination to win. A life where political correctness doesnt stop you from doing things that you know to be right because you are afraid you will offend someone. A life where a handshake deal can be trusted because people are raised with morals, ethics and proper values as the staples in their life. We need to get back to being people of integrity. Change starts today America. It starts with you. At some point today speak with someone you know, make a commitment to do something with that person and shake on it. Then when the time comes, follow through on your commitment no matter how easy or difficult. Be a person of integrity. Then build on it. Change starts with one thought, followed up by one action, then continued and perpetuated until it is routine and ingrained in the fabric of who you are as a person. Take a first step today and maybe we can once again return to a society worthy of the sacrifice of these men who gave it all to protect an experiment in liberty and freedom.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:10:19 +0000

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