This is the burn a City Limits cook intentionally did to my - TopicsExpress


This is the burn a City Limits cook intentionally did to my younger brother. The cook, named James, not only has been allowed to keep his job but is not being penalized in any way for it by the owners/managers. Blake has horribly severe burns from above his elbow all the way to his fingertips. Not only did he have to make an immediate trip to the ER, he is having to meet with plastic surgeons and take physical therapy to REDUCE (not prevent) permanent physical disfigurement and disablement. He could end up losing the use of his left thumb and forefinger to the petulant aggression of his co-worker James. I used to work at this place, my younger brother and a number of my friends still do. One of the cooks there has a long-time habit of physical assault on his co-workers when he gets irritated or upset. On at least 3 separate occasions during my employment he either shoved me or intentionally burned me. I know one of his favorites is to pick up a fryer basket out of the 350 degree oil and press it to someones arm. Ive sported a few scars from him, Ive seen a number of other cooks with the same burn from the same guy (if you see one with a waffle-iron burn scar on the forearm or back of arm, 90% chance James did it). Nothing about this behavior is or ever has been addressed by management. Once, with no warning or word said, James shoved me so hard in the back that the only reason I didnt land on the grill or in the steam table was because I actually landed on Blake. We both nearly went to the floor. Once he even went to the owners and said he saw me smoking a joint in a corner of the kitchen (which was thankfully dismissed for the vicious lie it was, as anybody working/eating there would have seen and/or smelled such a thing happening...though James was never even reprimanded for trying to get someone fired with a lie). Basically, James is a hateful, petulant, hostile, petty, stupid bastard. Understand, when you read this, that kitchens are in general extremely dangerous places. Especially in a high-volume, over-staffed, under-sized kitchen like the one at City Limits, safety hazards such as slick floors, sharp knives, extremely hot equipment and liquids, and the edges of steel table-tops/coolers etc are a constant concern. Yet at City Limits they allow a cook to shove people, push people, body-check people, and burn people in this environment without so much as a word. Well now theyve gone too far. This is beyond mere laziness or lack of concern. I dont care if James CLAIMS he somehow accidentally moved a wave of enough hot grease from the top of a flat-grill to launch it several feet and land every bit of it on my brother. He should have been fired on the spot without hesitation, and whether it was an accident or not should be up to a judge. Instead hes at work making money side-by-side with my brother even as I type this. Think about it. If James is so stupid and awkward that he cant handle a simple task like scraping a grill without hospitalizing his co-workers, what business does he have being in a kitchen? Not to mention the extreme cost, financially and otherwise, of having him on staff. Please, like and share if you think the complete lack of action by the owners of City Limits is inexcusable. Im worried, now that James knows beyond any doubt that he can assault staff members without any worry, that the next one may cost my family or someone elses much, much more than the many thousands of dollars, pain, and scars that he has cost my brother. I, for one, do not and will not endorse or encourage violence in the workplace. City Limits, on the other hand, is actively giving it a free hand.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 03:54:16 +0000

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