This is to my family with love, know that I think about you so - TopicsExpress


This is to my family with love, know that I think about you so often. So this is what goes through my emotionally rattled mind at night when I cant sleep because I worry about my childrens lives and their fate. Because I worry about what I will feel if they should die before me. Because I can literally feel every muscle in my body throbbing. I was thinking of myself when trying to describe the choices I have been forced to make due to tragic emotional events that have happened in my life. But mostly thinking of my dearest oldest sister who suffered daily with struggles and left this earth as she lived her life. Trying to take care of others and make them happy before herself. So out of respect I decided as always when we were younger I went in my mind from oldest to that brattiest youngest. If I were a toy or a board game what would I be and why? Jodi would be a box of crayons. Why? Because no matter where you go you can find them. They remind you of being young and free. You open the box and the colors are endless as well as the possibilities of what you can do with them. You can rip and tear and break them. Use them til they are nubs and they still work and give you what you need and not ask for anything back. Penni Dotzler would be a box of legos. Because no matter what pieces were in there, no matter the shape or size, as long as every detail was right she could make something from nothing. She is strong and sturdy, has lots of parts and alone or together everyone knows what they are. Sheli Blomberg Schwegel would be monopoly. Because there had to be more than one person to play, she would lose, roll the dice again and had to move on again. Wherever she landed she had to pay her dues no matter the cost. Mostly she landed on where it cost the most. But if you had nothing to do, were smart enough to take her on and had the time to devote to her you have just as good of a chance to win as anybody else and you all start out with the same odds. Even. I would be a can of play dough. Why? Because I might come in a plain can. But you can have fun with me no matter what. Take me out of my can and I might look like a blob but once you have touched me, you can make anything of me you want. You can push me, squish me, prod me, throw me, or roll me. I have had to become different shapes as my life was chosen before me. You can crumble me and at the end I come together just as I started and I go right back into my can. BUT if you leave me out for too long I dry and break. Kristi Cockman would be connect four. Why? Because it is easy and carefree. You get plenty of pieces but use them wisely because they go quickly. You can start over if you think you are in a losing match and she will give you all the pieces that you started with. You can play over again and try to win but she will always have to one up you. Jami Bolduc would be a game of perfection. Why? Because no matter how you play it, time is the winning factor. It may may you tense at times but it is always fun. It comes in its own box with its own pieces but set the timer, get all the pieces in, there is no greater satisfaction that looking at it with all the complicated shapes and pieces put together with time, patience and magic. Matt Bolduc would be a game of hangman. Why? Because you only need to bring your mind. You can find a piece of paper and a pencil anywhere leave the rest of your toys at home. He will draw you a clue anytime you want and you can guess but he will never tell you if you are right. You get so many parts added onto your waiting fate if you are wrong. But no matter what, if you dont get it right, you will have to tell him he is right and you were wrong. Just as it should be. It is simple and easy if you can win and you never need anything but a quick wit to play or you will surely lose. I love you all. Now it is your turn. Misti
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 02:14:19 +0000

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