This morning is full of excitement. that song Im working on a - TopicsExpress


This morning is full of excitement. that song Im working on a building, its a Holy Ghost Building...Im workin on a building for my LORD..For my LORD is just singing through my mind. I know that the building is all of us but this morning its also the Shelter that will house and bring Spiritual Healing to many. I am believing and holding on to Faith in what GOD can do and like always Im continuing on like a soldier ready for war, facing one situation at a time knowing JESUS is taking every step with me. Someone asked me the other day dont you wish you was rich or could win the lottery? After all these years they still dont see just how rich I am. Because we belong to GOD we are rich and highly favored. Some say huh? because they look at material things as rich, they dont see the Faith because the eye is on the world but my FATHER is a King...and I have many things in this life that money cannot buy and one of those riches is love and Mercy and Grace and I have a Father who knows what I need and gives me Peace and Mercy and Grace. Those things my friend are the things I desire in this life and they cannot be bought with material things, they were bought with the blood of JESUS CHRIST. I will never forget that either. Everyone wants to have enough money to do the things they want to do and most give up because of money but I tell you today my Faith grows when I watch JESUS open the doors instead of trying to open them on my own...those doors are too big for me to open and GOD sees the heart of those doors and the Holy Spirit gently and lovingly says give to them. Do I worry about how Im going to do things sometimes because I dont have enough money to do them? In my flesh I say its not gonna work out but then the Holy Spirit raises up inside me and says just watch what GOD is going to do!? I have seen HIM do it before and I am sure of what HE can do without a doubt. Sometimes we dont get what we want because its not what we need. Sometimes we get what we need and we dont appreciate it because its not good enough in our eyes and we give up because we want it the easy way. I just know this one thing. That JESUS loves me and gave HIS life for me. HE has called me to do something in this life that requires me to have alot of Faith and because I trust HIM I know it will come to pass. All I have to do is wait until HE is ready and in that wait I have been praying for over two years for the things HE is bringing into existance today so its always in GODs timing not ours. I was tempted a time or two to give in and go out on my own but the Holy Spirit quickly let me know to sit down and I did and remembered that verse Be still and know that I am GOD. HE gives it to us when HE is ready and when HE knows that we are ready. Any other way will not work if you do it on your own...not in this line of work. Today I am facing obstacles (mountains) in the way of the Shelter but am I worried about it? No..because the Bible says I can say to this mountain MOVE and I have said that and I have Faith that it will be moved. Plain and simple...Get out of the way and it will be moved! The place the LORD has blessed us with is in need of alot of repairs, in the eyes of some they say OH NO but in the eyes of my heart its a Mansion and the people who are coming are in need of repair, this place is a hospital for the Broken Spirit and thats just where I want to be in this life, helping those who need JESUS more than anything. I need your prayers because its hard for others to see the vision of another but the eyes of my heart are open and I see HIM in this work. I need your prayers always. GOD bless everyone today as you encounter your own Mountains and no matter what they are just know that HE has told you that you can say to that Mountain... Remove other words Move out of my way! How do I know? Because I have seen HIM move those Mountains that are too big for any of us and beecause the Bible tells us so. Matthew 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. You see I dont need the lottery...I need JESUS because HE is my rock and my salvation, the lottery might give you finanicial gain for a moment but what JESUS gives last forever!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 12:56:56 +0000

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