This needs to be said: While Oshkosh and the Valley has some - TopicsExpress


This needs to be said: While Oshkosh and the Valley has some talent, the said talent sometimes gets stuck and never really moves forward. Complacency isnt a healthy thing when it comes to growing and expanding as a musician. And believe me, not only complacency, but ARROGANCE beyond belief exuded by some. I wont name names out here in the comments, but you know who you are. As a musician whos auditioned for gigs outside of any little clique and got those gigs based on my talent and how I play with others, it speaks for it-self. Oshkosh is shall we say, unique 8-| So glad to be doing what I do now, teacher/facilitator,recording drum tracks for musicians around the WORLD and who knows, playing an occasional live gig, just NOT in the Fox Ballyhoo as I outgrew the attitudes here back in the late 80s and if you dont like me telling it the way it is go check your-self, or check out happydrumming as proof positive.Most of you can kiss my ass, as well as many of the club owners too. Lame ass mo fos !!!!!!!!! There are a handful of musicians that may be able to cut it in a larger scene that currently play around here...and in many circles around the mid west, let alone the USA, Oshkosh, Wi. doesnt exist, hard for you more local more often types to get your small minds around I know. Dont bother. Bottom line: Big fish in small ponds only make the water taste bad.. or make people think theyre something they are NOT My A list,KWT4 w/ Tom Washatka, The Jazz Orgy, The Traveling Suitcase and perhaps a few more. The rest of you are clueless. Best, M ____________________________________________________________ Attitude=Ability=Who You Know=Right Place/Time=Luck= Best Famous Quotes ***ONE
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 05:08:15 +0000

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