This probably has to be the best video on whether Christians - TopicsExpress


This probably has to be the best video on whether Christians should or should not celebrate Christmas. It is amusing, and this man shares his opinion, not forced on anyone. It is his Christmas Musings, things to consider and think about. Lets not force anyone to celebrate or not. If people do want to celebrate it, dont make them feel bad, but its in the way its celebrated now. Please my friends, lets not argue about this kind of stuff. Video 21 minutes long. Some good points...There are distortions that have to be straightened out though.... What is the message of Santa Clause, be good, you get stuff, works rewards, naughty you dont get things. What is the message of Jesus Christ, your naughty, God treats you nice anyway because of him Keep listening... Personally, I choose to focus on Jesus in everything I do. We have never lied to our kids about Santa Clause. Our kids know that everything we get or have comes from our Lord. Throughout the year, even in December, we like giving and sharing things He has given us with other, food, bread, friendship with family and our neighbors. And, in our home, we strive to center our focus on Jesus as much as we can, holiday or not. Ultimately, the word of God says in, I Corinthians 10: 31Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. It is up to us to make whatever comes our way, use opportunities God gives us during these holidays that come around every year, the best we can and share why Jesus came and died on the cross for us with people. What ever we do, The Vega Family, we will do it unto Jesus and make it ALL about Him, and not about us. That is my musing. Blessings. :) https://youtube/watch?v=FzuZB7OGoZ4
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:15:56 +0000

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