This status update is going to be one you will probably want to - TopicsExpress


This status update is going to be one you will probably want to sit down to read. :) Some of you know my story, and some of you dont. This will embarrass some and some will judge me, but Im at a point in my life that this doesnt bother me anymore, because it has made me a Stronger Woman today for it. I have had several people/friends on here that I feel will benefit from reading my testimony .I feel I need to share this, because I am so Very Proud of myself and all I have been through and all I have accomplished in this life. I, Tina Bishop am a recovering addict. Yes, you are reading this right. I am in know way perfect and do not proclaim to be, but as of April 17, 2014, I have been clean from a very powerful drug for 10 years. Trying to make a long story short, and we all know thats hard for me to do. lol But message for those that may be going through, or know someone that may be going through any habit, addiction or circumstance. Be open to change. Changing your life is hard! It requires everything in you to move your life in a different direction. Determine to break the habits that have caused you to live a life that does not reflect the real you. Embrace the fear of the unknown and release the need to stay stuck in your established routines. You are Bigger and Stronger than any habit, addiction, or circumstance. Change is not the result of wishful thinking, willpower, or even intention. It will happen because of Hard Work, Careful Planning, Focused Energy, and feeling the pain that has kept you stuck. Until the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change...your life will remain exactly the way it is. This new way of living requires Dedication, Practice, Patience and Pushing Yourself in the right direction over and over again. You can change your life. You can do hard!! You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you! I hope by sharing with you a part of my life, that I have been keeping secret for so many years...if it helps just one person, or even allows that person to stop and think about what they are doing, and maybe change, then I know I did the right thing by sharing. I love each and everyone of you Guys and Gals so very much, and I so appreciate all your Support and Friendship very much. One last thing I promise. Please say a prayer for those that may be going through their own circumstances what ever they may be. God bless you all always and forever. MUAH!!!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 01:16:24 +0000

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