This week some things occurred that made me realize I feel again - TopicsExpress


This week some things occurred that made me realize I feel again as did about three years ago. At that time I had FB but it was nothing more then a Family notification page then with eight on my friends list. I myself was an overweight not healthy fifty five year old, who abandoned many years before that a love for writing and media creativity because of lack of inspiration and motivation. This lack of motivation mainly was caused by my feeling of hopelessness and frustration and the lack of integrity, honesty, courtesy, and trustfulness of individuals and organizations. Tired along with my wife dealing with years of all sorts of frustrations and dishonesty from organizations and individuals in dealing with care of our autistic daughter. So I resigned myself that this is the new normal. Then an event happened and I saw the BGT audition picture in USA today. From that moment on it literally changed my life. Through this I met many who like me, changed their lives and we started communicating. As we watched the duo perform on BGT I decided if they can be doing this, those sixteen and seventeen year olds with integrity to stay together and go for their hopes and dreams in this world, I can also. So I made major changes in my life, started a healthier life style and outlook, my life changed drastically lost forty pounds started writting. Due to a fluke happening from someone trying to make a e-mail group my Wife and I became associated with “Fantoines the group” as two of the first members when it was started for both Jonathan Antoine and Charlotte Jaconelli it was clear after about eight months that the majority of posts were about Jonathan, so I started a group after posting to Charlotte Jaconelli asking if she would mind if I started a group for her we settled on the name Jacfanellies. After that I received all kinds of flack on “how dare I try to separate them” and that “we only need one group for the both of them and that was Fantoines” but I persevered. Eventually was asked to bring Charlotte J’s mother into Jacfanellies from the admin of Fantoines because I was told the Antoine family did not want Her in the group, these are undisputed facts. During the first year in the group we all had a feeling of belonging of love of two young people and each other in the group with civil honesty and integrity. During the second year something happened between the two families, this happens; this is not the first time and will not be the last. But what disappointed me was how easy people can give up their principles and rationalize things they do when it’s a 360 degree change in what they just said maybe 24 hours ago. I left “Fantoines the group” for two main reasons; First, I was not welcome there any longer, I was informed by the Family of that. In that I “was two faced” “could not be a fan of Charlotte Jaconelli and also be a fan of Jonathan Antoine and be in the group” this also is indisputable. I will state this unequivocally; I have never stopped supporting or been a traitor to Jonathan A, being a fan of Charlotte J has no bearing on my thoughts about Jonathan A period!! Second; the notion and acceptance that it is correct to spy and report about who is going to see who or told who to support pitting one against another totally against what the group was started for. I have received all kinds of unkind remarks, some even commenting on my relationship with Amy Rowlett with some perverse thinking. I also got the response form many that they never really like or ever liked Charlotte J, all I can say is I have been there from the beginning I know what was said, and I took advice form someone else and checked what was said on their pages over two years ago, accolades bestowed by those who now say they never liked this person belays the tact they are using, you will have to rectify the contradictions yourselves. If this was just about Jonathon A and Charlotte J and I had no other interests or acquaintances that have not been associated with this I would just let it drop and fade, but because of many I am associated with and one in particular that we will be going to see May “it is what it is” and after almost three years where I gave my heart and soul it is not easy to just turn off especially since things keep coming up and it still effects us, that I hope in time will fade. Reading the news paper today I saw an article about robocalls lying to election judges by officials of a particular party in Chicago, the Canadian PM being the only one to reject Landmark Indigenous Rights Document, and all the dishonest, deceitful, things I saw this last election process. Yes many things have happened in the past three years that I would never want to change and have made me very happy, being part of Jonathan Estabrooks kickstarter album what a incredible to see, watching Amy’s dream come true and watch her grow. And my own two daughters which have become young woman who make me so proud, and hope I have instilled a little bit of honesty and integrity into them even if it hurts sometimes when it isn’t always the convenient thing to do. These things still bring me some hope, but I am not as optimistic as I was three years ago.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 15:58:37 +0000

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