This weekend I had a great time in the mountains at our mountain - TopicsExpress


This weekend I had a great time in the mountains at our mountain house. Really, I did. However, being there got me to thinking and praying about stewardship and responsibility. I have since been served twice in a 24 hour period with sound teaching on the fact that I, along with all believers in Christ, will someday stand before the Judgement seat of Christ, there to give an account of what I did with what I was given (this is the believers judgement and is not a determination of whether or not a person gets eternal salvation). This has convicted me of the need to assess all my resources soberly as one who will have to give an account to my loving Savior for how I stewarded them. The words the world is not a playground have stuck in my head. With this in mind, and having discussed this with my mother, I am here laying out the mission statement for how we hope to serve our brothers and sisters in Hill City Church with the mountain house whenever it is not being used by the man who built it: It is our desire that the mountain house should serve as a place for building and restoring relationships among believers and drawing them closer to God by bringing them together in a place that is far from their daily concerns where they will be kept close together while surrounded by the peaceful beauty and wonder of Gods Creation. While I believe and have seen that God works any time believers come together in peace and fellowship, I also believe that there is much more work done when we as believers come together with the intent from the beginning to draw near to God and to know Him and worship Him and to encourage each other in the same. Therefore, trips to the mountain house will be primarily organized with this in mind. Specifically, trips to the mountain house will primarily take the form of spiritual retreats for various groups within the church, organized a month in advance so that as many people as possible in each group can adjust their schedule to attend and benefit. The first retreat was the mens retreat, which we men believe was very beneficial. I have decided to put my foot down and declare that there will not be another mens retreat, or any other kind of retreat, until there has been a womens retreat open to the women of Hill City Church from age 16 and up. Planning for that is beginning in earnest starting now. If you are one of the women of Hill City and are interested in helping with this, please chime in. Thank you for reading this. We love you all very much and look forward to serving you and sharing our lives with you all even more in the future.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 18:32:00 +0000

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