Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the - TopicsExpress


Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of the things which do appear. Hebrews 11:3 Matthew Henrys (1662-1714) beautiful and succinct commentary: 11:3 faith...word of God: One of the first acts and articles of faith, which has a great influence on all the rest and which is common to all believers in every age and part of the world, namely, the creation of the world by the word of God not out of preexistent matter, but out of nothing. By faith we understand much more of the formation of the world than ever could be understood by the naked eye of natural reason. Faith is not a force upon the understanding, but a friend and a help to it. Now what does faith give us to understand concerning the worlds, that is, the upper, middle, and lower regions of the universe? (1) That these worlds were not eternal nor did they produce themselves, but they were made by another. (2) That the maker of these worlds is God; He is the maker of all things. (3) That He framed work in everything duly adapted and disposed to answer its end, and to express the perfection of the Creator. (4) That God made the world by His word, that is, by His essential wisdom and eternal Son, and by His active will saying, Let it be done, and it was done, Ps. 33:9. (5) That the world was thus framed out of nothing, out of no preexistent matter, contrary to the received maxim that out of nothing, nothing can be made which, though true of created power, can have no place with God who can do all things that are not as if they were, and command them into being. The Bible gives us the truest and most exact account of the origin of all things. We are to believe it and not wrest or run down the scripture account of the creation because it does not suit with some fantastic hypotheses, which has been in some learned but conceited men the first remarkable step towards infidelity, and has led them into many more. this post could become to lengthy, (as it may already seem!!), to substantiate that to deny Scripture is a form of denying Christ, nor is that the purpose of this post. But I must confess I believe that Jesus, did, in many ways and words confirm Scripture as Truth. Scripture both as then known: the Old Testament, and that which would be recorded : the New Testament. That these are Truth and the very Word of God to men. And Scripture witnesses by ITSELF, and needs no other authority: to be the confirmed Word of God to all creation. No other written document, ancient or modern, has the verified testimonies: as seen in the lives of mankind and all that which makes up the finite universe: the material and finite realm around us. For these Truths are also testimonies, testimonies that the rational, moral and humble creature can not Truthfully deny: when the true and humble rule of logic and reason are properly applied to the things we see: the material finite realm which will, in turn: help us to find a Partial understanding of that which is yet unseen: the Infinite and Spiritual realm of God. This can only be: if we begin at the beginning: God the Infinite, the Holy and The Perfect. Only then may men attempt to reason DOWN towards the finite: all time, space and matter. Never denying the imperfect reality we face in all we see and do. This imperfection of the very good finite creation: due the fall of the created beings and setting loose the imperfection, degradation and violence of sin, which thus separates the finite creation from its Infinite Creator: separation as seen as an interrupted relationship, unrepairable from the side of the finite things created and responsible for this breech. Scripture God breathed, Holy Spirit inspired and God protected from the inerrant and infallible Original, down the ages to the authenticated and worthy Translations (a complete paraphrase of Gods Word has never been at His request or protection. Is less useful and much the more dangerous, by way of deception, than any other lies of men. For it but becomes the fraudulent, even if well intended, words of men and not the very Truths of God that, once given, shall never return void.) ...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the AUTHOR/BEGINNER and FINISHER of our FAITH; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the Cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1&2 (caps my emphasis) May he who has ears to hear...
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 23:39:51 +0000

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