When is dancing cultural appropriation and when is it part of the - TopicsExpress


When is dancing cultural appropriation and when is it part of the gradual shift of a society? I dont mean just the dance moves, but the costumes and the body/facial language change. For example, the stiff upper body from step dancing and the hard facial expressions from hip hop seem traditional, though I find both to be awkward and unpleasant. And I cant understand the drop crotch pants used in hip hop... they look like a sweatshirt put on upside down with legs through the sleeves. But I dont see Irish step dancing becoming mainstream the way hip hop is and I have been thinking about why.. If hip hop has evolved as a way of expression by minority group(s), then that could explain why I am uncomfortable with when I see people doing hip hop when they are not in the groups that developed the dance style. My guess would be that calling it cultural appropriation with hip hop dancing would be about the relative power of the groups involved. Im trying hard to process this in a rational way because I know several young hip hop students who I care enough about to try to put in the time to think about it. My visceral reaction is so strong, though. It just seems like a caricature of the traditional style when I see them. Miley Cyrus was clearly offensive, but maybe Im wrong and these girls might be in a grey area? To my friend whose gorgeous, talented daughter was doing hip hop in photos recently, I was *NOT* only talking about her. I just care enough about you guys to try to hash out my feelings with people who I trust, rather than just saying thats just wrong without thinking about it. And Im also not naming you on purpose in case youd rather just not be involved.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 20:32:34 +0000

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