Thursday 29th August Topic: WHERE IS THE FIRE? Memorise: And of - TopicsExpress


Thursday 29th August Topic: WHERE IS THE FIRE? Memorise: And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. Hebrew 1: 7 Repercussion for sin done on earth will not only come in eternity but also in this present world. During one of the Divine Encounter sevices we had sometime ago, I asked the Lord what was happening concerning His promise to raise several millionaires and He replied: “Do you want me to prosper those who are stealing?” This speaks of limitation of man. There was this surgeon in charge of bones in one of the Nigerian hospital. Whenever someone who had an accident was brought to him, he would take a look and charge exorbitantly. If they complain about his fee, he would pick up an exe and threaten to amputate leg. Through this mean, he got people in pain and sorrow to pay him and he became very wealthy. Then one day, he took ill and went everywhere but the problem could not be diagnosed. After he spent all he had, it was then he got to know he was suffering from cancer of the liver, and yet he could not survive it. What are you pursuing? Elisha was pursuing the double portion of the anointing on his master. Esau was pursuing food. Judas was pursuing money! When I was still very young in the faith, my prayer night and day was that I did not want to an ordinary Christian. Are you a minister of God? What are you pursuing? What is taking most of your time? What is giving you the greatest level of happiness? If it is mundane things, then like Gehazi, you have missed it. Focusing on the wrong things accounts for greater percentage wastage in the Kingdom of God. According to Hebrew 1: 7, God’s servant should be fire brand. You were called to be a flame of fire. You are supposed to be hot because you operate from God’s power house. Take a look at Elijah who indeed a fire brand and could call fire down on anyone who messed up with him. Where is your own fire? Where is the heat you were supposed to generate? Go back to God for that fire! Read: Hebrew 1:5-7 Action point: Ask for a fresh baptism of fire.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:19:54 +0000

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