Youre not going to believe this, but I found some incredible - TopicsExpress


Youre not going to believe this, but I found some incredible wisdom in a YouTube reply comment. Spread this around man, his name is Evan J. There is a statement that changed the way I view everything: As you think, so shall you be. Perhaps this is too new age a notion for such a rational 2+2=4 discussion but if youll care to read, I will share with you a great truth Ive learned: If you really study the stock market, youll come to realize that it is a meter of a collective peoples faith in currency. There is no better way Ive found to look at it. The amount of money in the world being traded today in actuality does not exist, what does exist is our faith that If I give you these imaginary credits, I will get this iPod, I will get this car, I will get this house. If you allow me to transfer that notion into a larger realm, I will tell you that in humanity, there is another vote that doesnt involve protest, in fact it doesnt involve much of anything other than lucidly choosing what reality you would like to live in... Thats all you do, and you follow that faith as true as you do that $1 buys you a bottle of water. Even most oppressed people in the world all have this fundamental choice and once anyone understands how much power that choice holds, it is something not easily given up. I invite you to consider that maybe, just maybe youve been lead to believe that you are powerless in large matters of social change. I invite you to for one day, submit to how fortunate you are to be alive, how those who would hold you down be it, politicians, laws, regulations, creditors, banks, corporations, money, your job, your relationships, your prejudices, your own hatreds, your own ailments -- all of those are your choice in how you receive them. It is but one way to feel that way you feel now. One dollar for a bottle of water, or drink from the tap or distill it or filter it or drink it from a fresh spring or collect it from the rain. You are powerful. Remember, those who would try to control you expel a great amount of energy in doing so, it literally hurts them. I pity the use of such means. I was held down and struggling like you wouldnt believe, it never occurred to me that I was doing it to myself. I explained this to a wise man and he simply said: Remember Evan, they are the clouds, but you, you are the sky.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 08:43:22 +0000

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