Thursday Tip: Keep Your Dogs Cool in Hot Weather Summer is here - TopicsExpress


Thursday Tip: Keep Your Dogs Cool in Hot Weather Summer is here and what can be more delightful than enjoying the beautiful weather with our four legged friends? While you’re out and about, don’t forget about making sure you and your pets stay safe and cool. Very young, older or ill animals as especially vulnerable in the heat, but even a fit, young dog can suffer a heat stroke. Below are a few tips on how to make sure your dog does not overheat in the summer weather: 1. Choose the right time for walkies – so either earlier in the day, or later in the evening when it’s cooled down a bit and the sun is not that strong any more. 2. Avoid strenuous exercise when it’s hot – it’s easier for your dog to overheat when he’s running around after his ball, or doing lots of jumping. 3. Some dogs benefit from having their coats clipped for the summer – however some breeds of dogs will actually feel the heat much more if you shave their fur – so do speak to your groomer, breeder or vet to make sure you’re doing the right thing. 4. There is a range of cooling coats available on the market, which can make your dog a bit more comfortable in the hot weather – do make sure your dog is comfortable wearing it though and don’t assume that just because he’s not struggling to get it off, he is happy to have it on. If he behaves normally (just like without the coat on) when you put the cooling coat on, it’s safe to assume he is fine. 5. Remember to take an ample supply of drinking water for you and your dog when going out, especially if you’re likely to be out for a few hours. Don’t forget a handy, lightweight travel water bowl to make it comfortable for your dog to drink. 6. If your dog likes swimming or wading in puddles or lakes, let him cool down (if dogs are allowed to do so where you walk). Be careful not to let him in the water which has blue-green algae growing in it – these little organisms are highly toxic to dogs. 7. When at home, consider making little cooling snacks for your dog – frozen Kongs are great, especially if you freeze something really tasty in them (there are loads of tasty Kong recipes available on line). 8. Dogs (and cats) can get a sunburn just like we do, especially if they are white or have a very thin coat. If you own a pet that is likely to suffer a sun burn, make sure you speak to your vet about an appropriate way of protecting their skin (e.g. by applying pet-safe sun cream to the most sensitive areas such as the nose or tips of the ears) and keep them in the shade/indoors as much as you can, especially during the hottest parts of the day. 9. Some dogs enjoy cooling off in a paddling pool (the sturdy plastic ones are the best as they are not likely to get punctured by your dog’s nails) – just make sure you change the water in the pool frequently, otherwise you’re likely to breed your own colony of mosquitoes! 10. Remember never to leave your dog in a car on a hot day – even if you’re parked in the shade and with your windows open - it’s way too dangerous and your dog can overheat very quickly, and suffer a heat stroke, which can be fatal. Do you have any other tips on how to keep your dog cool? We would love to know!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 13:44:59 +0000

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