Time to address some rumors... First, theres the matter of - TopicsExpress


Time to address some rumors... First, theres the matter of spin-offs. Some sites/pages are reporting that there will be a spin-off entitled SONS OF GALLIFREY, which will center around the friendship of the Doctor and the Master when they were young, before they chose separate paths. There is actually a pilot being produced for this BUT it is a fan project (albeit, with the participation of some former WHO cast members, including Yee Jee Tso) and is not an official BBC venture. The producers plan to submit the pilot to the BBC once its complete, so any report claiming that this series will actually happen are premature, at best. There is also a lot of talk of a Paul McGann 8th Doctor series, but this is all purely speculation on the part of fans excited by McGanns return in The Night of the Doctor. Theres no reason to believe such a series is in the works, nor does it seem very likely considering the BBCs thrifty attitude toward WHO. A web series comprised of mini-episodes is a more likely option, but even that is pure conjecture and wishful thinking. In all likelihood, any further appearances by McGann will happen within the context of the series proper. Then theres the inevitable scheduling speculation. At least one site is reporting that Series 8 will be split, just as 6 and 7 were. However, this report is pure guesswork on the part of the site in question, and no source for this rumor is cited by those perpetuating it. Such a notion directly conflicts with other rumors and all weve been told thus far by official sources - that we will get a minimum of 13 episodes in 2014, and that the series will likely begin in the fall. If those two things are true, there couldnt be much of a split between the first and second halves of the season, as there are only 16 Saturdays between the end of August and Christmas day. Maybe a few weeks at most - no longer than the break between new episodes of a single season of any US-produced fall series. Moreover, Moffat himself has already indicated that he doesnt believe Season 8 will be split in two. Of course, scheduling is always up in the air, so anythings possible. As always, casting rumors abound. Many say Alex Kingston will return as River Song next year, which seems pretty likely. Far less likely is the panic-inducing rumor that Peter Capaldi intends to stay for just one series. As Ive noted here before, its common practice for actors to sign on to a program for one season at a time, so reports that Capaldis contract is for a single year mean nothing whatsoever. If he likes the job, the BBC and the production team like what hes doing with the role, and most of the fans like him, there can be little doubt hell stick around for a good deal longer than 13 episodes. Finally, theres chatter that John Barrowman might make an appearance as Captain Jack in Series 8. Hopefully, that chatter proves to be 100% factual. Probably wont do much good to advise calm and rationality in the face of all these conflicting (and, for the most part, unfounded) rumors, but I will nonetheless. Time, as we all know, will tell.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 02:25:33 +0000

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