To Anyone Screaming With Their Ears Closed, I’ll contend that I - TopicsExpress


To Anyone Screaming With Their Ears Closed, I’ll contend that I am a “strongly opinionated” female; to the point (I’ll give you) of being annoying. I’ve also realized over the past almost three decades, this vexes males more so than females. Whether that’s because of the types of males and females I’ve befriended, I cannot say. Yet, a large part of me feels that (some) men grow intimidated by their strong female counterparts and feel the need to metaphorically put a woman in her place. Again, I can offer no proof of this beyond my instinct and years of observation. To the point: the past 48 hours have left many Americans polarized with their reactions, and many of us have tried to find an outlet for our anger, confusion, and general bewilderment. Those of us on each side of the fence need to be heard. I find it ignorant to state that I am someone who doesn’t want to listen to the opposite side. In fact, I search out the truth willingly. [I again would like to thank Candace Hodge for offering me a clear explanation into the legal system and just what could have taken place in that Floridian courtroom.] There are some strong adversaries on this website I have often disagreed with, but in no way respect less: Jon Legan and Cole Lawrence, to name a couple. We may consistently disagree, but the way you have worded your arguments only makes me want to research mine with more fervor and determination. While there are some who are mere “trolls.” The definition of which; is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community…with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response. That is to say, my obvious sarcastic and immediate response to news I disagreed with implied I would, “move to Canada.” Yet, rather than remark on any of the other more on point statuses I made, this troll decided to write off-topic; hence solidifying his status as a “troll.” Were I really to find myself with ample free time on my hands, I’m sure I could locate 10 such instances within the past year where this person has similarly reacted. This person did not want to have polite discourse, but merely wanted to be heard: mission so acutely accomplished. What I detest in any argument are those who disagree and really, don’t want to talk or have a conversation, but insist on outing another’s “stupidity.” Even now, I’m, sure these words are being met with an eye roll and before being finished, a rebuttal to my opinion is being crafted. If I were fearful of this, I wouldn’t write this response in the first place, nor would I opine as often as I do on Mark Zuckerberg’s internet offspring. To recapitulate, I know I am a strong willed woman. I realize my opinions are often disagreed with. If I wrote in “maybes,” “perhapses,” and “can bes,” I would not live up to the standard of confident writing I instruct my students to adopt. So bring on discourse, bring on disagreement. But if you have nothing to add to the conversation but noise, move on from my comments in your newsfeed, or better yet, block them all together. Facebook’s privacy settings are a wonderful thing! At any rate, good luck screaming in your crowded room.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 17:08:55 +0000

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