To all whom it may or may not concern, My recent rants here - TopicsExpress


To all whom it may or may not concern, My recent rants here seem to have some of you concerned about my mental/emotional state. They have been quite graphic, vulgar and at times, shocking. At other times, I seem desperate and lonely. Still, at others I express pure love. While I assure all of you, I am not bipolar, mentally insane or psychotic, my feelings and emotions have been on one hell of a roller coaster ride since late July 2013. I am no different than anyone in regards to having and experiencing many different emotions/feelings daily. No one handles these the same way. Sometimes when done improperly is just a result of not knowing how or being so overwhelmed. For those of you that really know me, when Im in Im ALL in. I dont hold back my passion or optimism when I feel good about a situation. With that comes great risk. Sadly, going all in can result in losing it all and sometimes does. On the other end of the spectrum is the scorn I feel from betrayal. Some say I trust too easy. Some say I should move slower. Some say,give it time. Maybe. Maybe I want to believe so much that by treating someone with unconditional love, admiration and respect, family or not, that they will surely treat me the same. This drives me to be fair and non judgemental of being let down by someone I care for. Lets be honest. A person can only take so much disappointment. There is an old saying; Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned. Wanna bet? Piss off a dad. Disrespect or hurt his children. Try to come between or turn him against those he loves. Lie to him about anything. Cheat him. Make him look foolish to glorify your position of dishonesty so the world does not focus on YOUR shortcoming. You will regret this, I promise you. If you see exposing a truth as creating drama, youve been in darkness too long. Let the truths be complimentary instead of revealing. In closing, I will end this rant with some advice. Dont pick up a mirror without first looking at yourself.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 11:24:12 +0000

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