To celebrate Australia Day here are some facts you probably didnt - TopicsExpress


To celebrate Australia Day here are some facts you probably didnt know about Australia (sorry if there are typos I am drinking while writing this 😜) 1. Australia’s first police force was made up of the most well-behaved convicts. 2. The largest Greek population outside of Athens is found in Melbourne. 3. Per capita, Australians spend more money on gambling than any other nation. 4. Australia is the only continent in the world without an active volcano. 5. An Australian man once tried to sell New Zealand on eBay. 6. Each week, 70 tourists overstay their visas. 7. Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world. 8. The average Aussie drinks 96 litres of beer per year. 9. Saudi Arabia imports camels from Australia (mostly for meat production). 10. In 1880, Melbourne was the richest city in the world. 11. Australia has the highest electricity prices in the world. 12. The average Australian will consume 165,000 eggs in his or her lifetime. 13. 63% of Australians are overweight. 14. A kangaroo is only one centimetre long when it is born. 15. In 2005, security guards at Canberras Parliament House were banned from calling people mate. It lasted one day. 16. The Box jellyfish has killed more people in Australia than sharks and crocodiles combined. 17. The male platypus has strong enough venom to kill a small dog. 18. In 1932, the Australian military waged war on the emu population of Western Australia. They lost. 19. There have been instances of wallabies getting high after breaking into opium crops, then running around and making what look like crop circles. 20. An Australian election TV debate was rescheduled so it didnt conflict with the finale of reality cooking show Masterchef. 21. In 1892, a group of 200 Australians unhappy with the government tried to start an offshoot colony in Paraguay to be called ‘New Australia’. 22. Australia was the second country in the world to allow women to vote (New Zealand was first). 23. Qantas once powered an interstate flight with cooking oil. 24. Australia is home to 20% of the worlds poker machines. 25. Half of these are found in New South Wales. 26. Australia has 3.3x more sheep than people. 27. In 1832, 300 female convicts mooned the governor of Tasmania. 28. Before humans arrived, Australia was home to megafauna: three metre tall kangaroos, seven metre long goannas, horse-sized ducks, and a marsupial lion the size of a leopard. 29. Canberra was created in 1908 as a compromise when Sydney and Melbourne both wanted to be the capital city. 30. A gay bar in Melbourne won the right to ban women from the premises, because they made the men uncomfortable. 31. The wine cask (goon sack) is an Australian invention 32. If all the sails of the Opera House roof were combined, they would create a perfect sphere. The architect was inspired while eating an orange. 33. Chinese explorers travelled to Australia long before Europeans arrived. As early as the 1400s, sailors and fisherman came to Australia for sea-cucumbers and to trade with Indigenous peoples. 34. In 1838 it was declared illegal to swim at public beaches during the day. This law remained in force until 1902. 35. Australia has more than 10,000 beaches. You could visit a different beach every day for over 27 years and not manage to see them all. 36. Gina Rinehart, Australias richest woman, earns $1 million every half hour, or $598 every second.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 08:26:27 +0000

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