To gain the Goodness from the Deen of Islam it requires that we - TopicsExpress


To gain the Goodness from the Deen of Islam it requires that we have the good from within it, I,e the people of haq to rise up and to proclaim the Deen of Haq against its Enemies, however when we look to our past and when we see the rise of islaam take place through the conquests and victories of the Sahabah over the Kufaar and we saw the advent of Islam at its peak through the likes of Umar Khattaab and Ali ibn Abu Taalib , we find that the enemy realised that to counter act this they needed to infilitrate us, now to do so is quite difficult, but to deal with demise of Islam , they needed the Apostates and the Munafiqeen , and much today is the same, We find that the Secular, the Munafiqeen and the Apostates are used as a hammer to fight the Muslims in their ongoing war and Crusade against Islam and Muslims And these Munafiqs are used in their campaign to build the ground for the Kufaar to enter our lands, rape our resources ,steal our deen from within our feet, how? Because even though when we look at the reality, the Kufaar even in their media no longer want to fight us face to face, rather they will use the Munafiqeen amongst us, and start to rely on them, hence we are in a dangerous position if we don’t deal with them. They could be our ulema, they could be are so called armies working for the apostate governments it could even be our own fathers! Therefore the munafiqeen need to be exposed so we as muslims can sive out the falsehood by removing the enemies within, and remove from the camp of haq the people Batil who deserve to be in the same camp of Enemies who fight us from outside.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:53:27 +0000

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