To know when and how often Almighty God blesses you requires that - TopicsExpress


To know when and how often Almighty God blesses you requires that you keep a record book, diary, or log book about those things you need and how those needs have been met. Who does this? Nobody! Myself included. However during my walk with Christ I have become much more aware of things going on around me. Events and happenings that seem to go my way without my asking... Even so, I have not recorded them and the benefits God and Christ have provided me drift slowly out of my mind as new challenges arise each day. Perhaps because I am reading my bibles so much that I find myself thinking about starting a log book! The bibles can only be bibles because they have recorded ancient history for each new generation to learn from. The history the book has recorded is not limited to just spiritual events but rather bunches of events from music and art to wars and self sacrifice; the building of a society from scratch to become a nation which has endured 4,000 years. All of the work that was done was recorded. What would happen if an individual started an autobiography about himself and included all the things that made his life satisfactory and included a continual study of how God has worked to make him what he is: would that be a best seller? Another bible of a sorts to learn from? I have notice many strange events in my christian walk. I struggle daily to make sense of what I am seeing and learning. I am terrified that sharing this information with outsiders will get me labled a nut. Yet what I see, what I am learning, is so unique, so facinating, so glorious that I want to shout out to all the wonder of it all. My fear of being labled a nut lessens everyday. Sometimes I even allow myself to think that the outsiders are the nuts for being so stiff-necked about this Jesus Christ stuff... Still I know that in order to share these wonderful experiences with Christ and Almighty God I must maintain my cool; must write rationally about what I am learning else I will completely turn off my viewers: it is the viewers I am trying to reach. So a part of me wants everyone to start a log book because by recording your life story you too will begin to see the work that God is doing in your lives. Work that He has always done but we were to self centered to notice. How weird can I go? At what point will I lose my creditability with you? Help me discover where the line is that I should not cross over before I have lost my friends completely and have only my Lord, wife and dog to attend too because nothing else in this life really matters to me anymore... One thing is for certain: all churches are full of people who are weird: just like I am becoming. I find that I am really free to express my experiences when I am around others that have experienced similar things. I never understood the need for churches before... Now I understand there are people who walk with Almighty God and people who do not. Those that do not, even if they call themselves christian, attend church and share their experiences have one foot in this world and one foot in Gods world, straddling the fence if you will. They have not stepped completely over into Gods domain. I understand this so well now.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 11:24:11 +0000

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