To the Lord Jesus of Heaven and His Lost Sheep in Ebola-torn - TopicsExpress


To the Lord Jesus of Heaven and His Lost Sheep in Ebola-torn Nations; Interpretation of Psalm 6 by David. Theme:Fathers Glory. Chasten me not, when displeased,O LORD; I need your grace evermore. In my groaning heal me; strengthen my bones. Answer me,O Lord Jesus; for you are the saviour of my life. Make haste and deliver me, for the sake of your steadfast love,O Lord; For in death,who can praise you? I am weary with my worries; at night I wet my bed with tears; I drench my sofa with mourning; my eye is grieved because of my adversary. Flee from me,evil one! for the Lord has heard my grief; the LORD accepts my prayer, the Lord saves the upright in heart. Lessons to Liberia,Sierra Leone,Guinea and Mali: 1.Seek the LORD who made the heavens and earth earnestly! 2.Every one need to learn the Holy Bible always.[Proverbs 23]! 3.Pray to the Almighty LORD three times a day,[Daniel 6.10] 4.Fast 3 days[72hrs] in every month to triumph over the evil one![Matthew 4]; 5.Live in the fear of God and be the light and salt of this dark world[Job 9.24;Job 24.9]; 6.Hate evil traditions and shun the practice of calling upon idols during festive occasions! 7.Praise the LORD,our Lord 7 times a day [Psalm 119]. Prayer for the Sick: The Lord have compassion for people diseased with dreaded skin infections. May the LORD be gracious to us through his Son Jesus Christ, and heal the sufferers in Liberia,Sierra Leone,Guinea and Mali [Matt 8:1-4,Mk 1.40-45,Lk 5:12-16]. The LORD sends his mighty Angel to still the wicked and and cast them into the sea, if they have afflicted the innocent with any man-made viral injections that seek to ruin and ridicule the poor! The Lord put the wicked and his cats-paw to shame and afflict such evildoers with sudden disasters and eternal ruins! O LORD, accept my prayer for the sick and the mournful and still the pestilence according to your will. The whole world is full of your glory,O LORD,our King!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 12:26:22 +0000

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