To the two conservative voices who objected to my Banner Photo - TopicsExpress


To the two conservative voices who objected to my Banner Photo (and anyone else who finds it objectionable) let me address your objections: Yes, you are both absolutely right “ALL LIVES MATTER” – You get no argument from me on that. And when unarmed White kids are being slaughtered on America’s streets by authority figures who are sworn to respect and protect the community, you can join in my outrage. But right now, there’s a war against Black males in America and it must stop. No negotiation on that! On your second point, “Black kids killing Black kids is a bigger problem,” I will mostly agree with you on that point as well. But I must say, that it surprises me that you, a Conservative who thinks American racism is just dandy, and enjoys all the privileges of being in the White majority, would have the gall to even mention that point. Really dumbass? Did you give this any thought at all? It is the very institutionalized racism that you benefit from, that is at the core of this problem. Systemic racism that makes people believe they are less than, is the very disease that has infiltrated these young minds and souls. They do not respect Black lives, because YOU don’t respect Black lives. And that disregard and disrespect is seen by them in Teachers, Coaches, Police and other Authority figures, Businessmen, Clergy, Bus Drivers, in the media and music world, and in much of White America. Many of these thugs have never encountered respect simply because they are not White. If they were, they would have never encountered the level of hostility, fear and disrespect that the see many times each and every single day. Got that? All that youve ever needed to get people to behave like they ain’t shit is to tell them that’s what they are, everyday. Drill it in their heads each and every day. Young people are the least able to refute the barrage of racist attitudes and incantations that they encounter, every single day in America. That is something that you my dear readers have never had to endure. So sit down, shut up, and please learn something today about the country you live in.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 22:23:41 +0000

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