Today marks 14 months into Emilys recovery. Its a strange point - TopicsExpress


Today marks 14 months into Emilys recovery. Its a strange point that we are at. I guess one of the valleys in this road. Every day is a battle to push forward. School is still going well, but exhausting. All of her classwork is heavily modified to suit her needs and she earns mostly As. Here they do a 10th grade ACT test to see how she compares on the path to college readiness against other students. We got the scores back on that and they are really low. 20% in English, 1% in Math, Reading was 83%, and she did not complete the Science section. She will be taking the state standardized test for 10th grade English this year, but it will not be able to be graded because she cannot read or write for herself. So, the reading portion would not be a true score since she cannot read. They cant grade her spelling or punctuation. Her (amazing) para-professional aides that are with her all day do all of her writing and reading for her. Not being able to take this test will not interfere in her eventual graduating, because the ARD committee will accommodate that in her IEP. Therapy still continues. We have not moved into the Challenge program yet, they are waiting on insurance approval. In Speech therapy, she is working on memory skills only. In PT, she is working on balance and getting her legs, hips, and feet to move in the right directions. She still really struggles with the concept of left/right. A command of Move your right foot out can result in Emily moving her left foot on top of her right foot and tripping herself. In OT, still working on dressing- but added a new goal to the plan of being able to write her name with minimal assistance. She is doing better with mobility in her chair. She can get from one room to another now, but she scrapes her poor knuckles on walls all of the time. I know that her vision has improved greatly, but we dont have an appt until the end of the month to get that measured. It comes and goes though. Saturday morning she was having problems with it & I told her to look in my eyes. She looked directly at my husbands face, but thought she was looking at me. We now have a walker at home. We are trying to introduce it to her transfers. Due to safety reasons, we need both me & my husband here for her to use it for a transfer. We have not used it to do any walking at home. She just isnt ready to do that safely yet. I know that walking is a big deal and you would think that would be the final goal and then we are done. But sadly, there are so many more obstacles she is going to have to overcome. There are only so many hours in a day and so much energy that Emily, her step-dad, and I have. We will continue to plow through. We look forward to the Challenge program and all of the new challenges they will bring us, but at the same time are very worried on where we are going to tap into the power of all the extra hours and energy. -ems mom
Posted on: Fri, 07 Feb 2014 15:47:14 +0000

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