Today our baby GIRL is 20 weeks and 3 days old! Only 137 days - TopicsExpress


Today our baby GIRL is 20 weeks and 3 days old! Only 137 days to go... (and 8 days until we head to Fiji! hehe) Ok, so Im getting worried! Why you ask? Because my bathers that I ordered online for Fiji have YET TO ARRIVE!!! Drama of the century! Ok, so Im exaggerating, but Im fretting a little! Obviously there isnt much of a range of bathers at stores at the moment and we leave in 8 days! They are coming from the US, and when I try to track them I get a brain freeze! Heres the path they have taken so far- Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Hawaii, Alexandria (wherever that is), back to Hawaii, and back to Alexandria and on and on...! It keeps saying its in transit with destination carrier, but the destination is AUSTRALIA and its still obviously so far away! This has been going on for over two weeks, and yet a friend sent us a package from the States the other day that took 7 days! Ahhhh, I have a bad feeling about this! I think Ill be swimming in a plastic bag come Fiji time! Clearly though Im playing this up a little! My woes are insignificant compared to many out there and if a missing pair of bathers is all I have to worry about Im doing pretty well! Who knows, swimming in a plastic bag might just be the best thing to happen on our trip!! I can see the locals running for the hills already!! LOL! But anyway, enough of my rant- how are you?? Besides the bathers dilemma we have been great! I got home from work last night and Chels shouted quick come and feel! Apparently Bubs had kicked her and she could feel it on the outside of her stomach!! Needless to say I dropped my bag, bolted for the bedroom and dive bombed on the bed! My hand was on that belly in seconds! Sadly though, I think my dramatic entrance scared our little lady off! Because suddenly she went silent and Mummy Sharna couldnt feel anything! Boo! Still, she is obviously getting stronger so that is exciting! Hopefully within the next week Ill get my first moment of baby kicking joy! I cant wait!! Im off to work this morning to see the girls! Their dads birthday is coming up so its serious CRAFT business today!! I found some big white letters at a craft shop and super glued them together to make DAD- Today they can paint it and decorate it and well put their pictures at the back of the space of the Ds, so that its like a home made picture frame! We will enjoy ourselves! If nothing else the nearly three year old will keep me on her toes! They say its the terrible twos but I say the terrible 3s!!! The closer she is getting to three the more dramatic the behavior! Sometimes I cant help but laugh! Her tantrums are so extreme and passionate as if shes performing a scene from an Oscar winning drama! The dead weight of the body and throwing back of the head is my favorite! Then the legs flailing around on the floor! Ahhhh, all I can say is at least she contains it to the home! These poor mums with toddlers who save their best tantrum efforts for public viewing must cringe inside!! All the many joys we have to look forward to! Hehe! Well, Ill end here friends! What a riveting post this has been- insert sarcasm here- Gotta love the randomness!! LOL! Have a great day, lovelies! xx
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 20:09:54 +0000

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