Today was a pretty awesome day for me. Ive been doing grappling - TopicsExpress


Today was a pretty awesome day for me. Ive been doing grappling now on and off since 2004. At first it was mostly No Gi because the cartwheels and forward flips in BJJ made me sick lol. I always noticed that the guys and girls who trained in Gi were just much more technical and generally better than those of us who trained in just No Gi. So I decided to put the Gi on. the last two years my back has kept me from doing much. Finally its starting to get better an Ive been able go roll quite a bit. And tonight I finally was awarded my blue belt. I have always been told once you earn your blue that you will one day earn your black. I took that to heart. I want to earn my black belt not because I wanna be a bad ass but because it is one of the few things that everyone across all cultures understands means you have put in a lot of hard work. It took me a lot longer than most, but then again most things do. I am ok with that as I appreciate it that much more. I want to thank Master Mike Moses for creating such an amazing training curriculum and allowing us the chance to affiliate with him. I want to thank Professor Zach Davis for bringing all that knowledge to us and making our academy here at the Fort just as special. To all of those who roll with me, all the Cadre, all the troops, and all my family who make my dream possible.....Thank you and i love you!
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 00:20:16 +0000

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