Today was such an important day for puppy farmed dogs and pups. A - TopicsExpress


Today was such an important day for puppy farmed dogs and pups. A member of our team was at the debate and was overwhelmed by the strength of feeling and support from those MPs in attendance. A huge thank you to Marc Abraham and the Pup Aid team for securing this debate through hard work and sheer determination. Without your endless pursuit of support and publicity wed all still be shouting in the background. And of course a huge thank you to Rob Flello MP for giving our canine friends such a strong and eloquent voice, they couldnt have asked for more. And lets not forget the MPs who did their constituents proud, what you did today in speaking up for the voiceless will be remembered. Finally, an enormous thank you to each and every member of the public who took the time to write to their MP, in some instances over and over again until they got the message. Without you Rob Flello MP would have been addressing an empty chamber. People power spoke today. Read the debate transcript here: THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING ...
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 19:02:25 +0000

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