Todays Reading: Acts 8: 5-25 Read the Scripture here: - TopicsExpress


Todays Reading: Acts 8: 5-25 Read the Scripture here: biblegateway/passage/?search=Acts+8%3A+5-25&version=CEB This is a story that reminds that ignorance is not above the law. David Blaine, err, I mean Simon, quickly became a disciple when Philip moved out of Jerusalem into this city in Samaria and began to preach the gospel and perform wondrous signs. Simon quickly realizes that something, (the Holy Spirit) that was in Philip was impressive indeed. Quite frankly, its easy to read this story, to see what happens after Peter and John come onto the scene and to join them in jumping all over Simon the Sorcerer. It’s easy to bandwagon and just make Simon out to be an ‘evil person’. Ignorance is ignorance! The crime that Simon is guilty of initially is almost akin to the person that walks in church and doesnt know all the rituals for worship on the first day! Its a harsh story really. I get it, such a violation as this, thinking that you can buy the power of the Holy Spirit is an important one. I also understand that a lesson had to be taught not so much to Simon as to the whole of the faith community. Simon just happens to be the person (much like Ananias) who is the object lesson for life that is lived with the Spirit. That makes for a tough reality. This is one of those stories where what is out of bounds had to be clearly defined for the people that would follow, and so the object lesson is harsh. So what I am saying is, Simon being rebuked by Peter and John when they arrive on the scene is more for us to understand what is completely unacceptable so that we dont grieve the Holy Spirit today. Let me give you a different angle to consider. Im actually drawn to some of the qualities of Simon. I know, I may be the only one. But I see a lot here that is worthy of reflection. I think theres a whole other angle to the story that is seldom considered…. First, lets face it, Simon knew real power when he saw it, and he was able to acknowledge it. Think on this, we are the ones that usually are so stuck on our ability to do everything, on our necessity of being able to be self-sufficient, that we seldom are able to openly knowledge that we dont know nearly as much as we think we do! Contrastingly, Simon sees the power of the Holy Spirit and realizes that even with the powers of sorcery that he possessed, they paled in comparison to the gift that the people of God possessed. So Simon was able to see clearly. Oh, that we could clearly see the need we have for God’s power that comes to us in the form of the Holy Spirit. Simon was able to easily acknowledge that he did not possess anything like that! Whats more, he wanted that power! Now, heres what we dont know. We dont know why Simon wanted that power. Some may suggest (and perhaps rightly) so that he wanted that power so that he could captivate others or make a living there in Samaria. And all of that may be true. But just as easily it may not. What we see that is both significant and beautiful is that Simon wanted the gift of God! How many today want instead to be in control of their own lives instead of being infused with the power of the Spirit of God? Its actually a beautiful quality to want the gift of God! Okay before I leave for today, lets deal with the hard part of the story. Peter’s incredible rebuke. First off, lets just say that this is not exactly the Dale Carnegie way to win friends and influence people. Or is it? What Peter is, is incredibly truthful. He doesnt beat around the bush and clearly notes that Gods gift cannot be bought or sold. Thats of course very significant for us, probably more for us then for Simon. We are the ones that need to hear the lesson that we cannot manipulate God, that God does not conform to our way of thinking. Rather, God invites us to conform to Gods great plan for us and the world. Yet, Simon does everything right at this point and it is worthy of a lesson. When our hearts are not right before God, when our motives are impure, when we are confronted with the truth about who we are in light of who God is … the very best that we can do is to plead for God to have mercy on us, to forgive us and to change us! This is exactly what Simon does. If you ever wanted an example of what repentance looks like, this is it! When ignorance is confronted with the truth of the need for change, Simon embraces change! Its a beautiful story to me. Its one of those stories that reminds me that anyone can change. The real power of the Holy Spirit lies in the ability to convict us when our thinking and our hearts are wrong and to lead us toward love in the way that is right. Friends, anyone can be changed. Anyones heart can be made right when they are open to the truth of Gods love and Gods call to go in a new direction. Even you and even me. What a wondrous story and truth! Peace in Jesus Christ who loves you! John
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 09:53:10 +0000

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