Todays reading: The gospel according to Social Democrats, Chapter - TopicsExpress


Todays reading: The gospel according to Social Democrats, Chapter 2 vs 09-14: 09. The genealogy of the Better Ghana Agenda, chronicling the propagandist rule of old, evil dwarfs and greedy bastards -- entrenched by the ferociousness of babies with sharp teeth -- from middle- income-earner status to panhandlers at the IMF. 10. And JJ, John, the revolutions Junior Jesus, begot John the Prof, his chosen one, the ecominius one who later became known as Prof Do Little. And in the time of John the Prof, cash crops bore abundant fruit, oil gushed out from beneath the land, but judgement debts of dubious and seismic forms also began to afflict it: Woyome, Waterville, Isofoton, African Automobile, among others. 11. And John the Prof begot John the Baloney, the love of Lordi and darling boy of Bole. And John the Baloney became king, outperforming Father Christmas, splashing out the inheritance. Anyone in the land who would bow and worship the Umbrella got rewarded according to their riches in glory: to chiefs he gave SUVs, to varsity girls saloon cars, a million dollars to the scribes of the land, and to pupils rLG laptops. 12 And John the Baloney, even at the time when the inherited meat was down to the bone, begot Agams, Jospong, and others, continued borrowing, and iniquity continued to reign in the land. And Agams and Jospong, begot GYEEDA, SADA, SUBAH and allied evils, creating, looting, sharing and destroying what was left of the treasury. 13. And the land was troubled -- borrowing increased, Chinese loan failed, UTAG and POTAG revolted, the people occupied, food and fuel prices jumped, the cedi slumped. 14. So the prodigal son called the best in the land to Senchi to seek advice only to go later to Shylock in Washington DC to say, Dad, I have sinned and remain clueless. Can you give me a bail out,...sorry, I mean can you give me economic advice with some cash? Pleeeeeease.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 14:30:32 +0000

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