Tomorrow is World Suicide prevention day. September 10. Suicide - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow is World Suicide prevention day. September 10. Suicide claims the lives of over 2500 Australians each year*. More people die by suicide than in fatal car accidents. Suicide affects everyone in someway, most choose not to discuss it. Instead of hassling or avoiding people for being negative how about caring enough to talk with them or encouraging the good in them, instead of adding to their sense of hopelessness. I have lost friends to suicide & have known & know many who have contemplated or attempted suicide, the thoughts of - what could I have said or done, that may have helped in even a small way if not saved them dont go away. They are not raving loonies, they are hurting people who cant or wont talk about what has them feeling so lost & so stuck, & cant see a way out or ahead, they are hurting people who are full of confusion & fear & are exhausted & overwhelmed. They are people you know that are in your life now, who wont talk about how messed up they feel, due to not being able to trust enough to talk, due to judgemental individuals & groups, labelling them as negative & a problem & they dont want to risk further humiliation & pain. Be very careful, your words do matter, your judgements & labels do push people over the edge. Your understanding & support & hugs & encouragement & not writing people off, might give some courage to get help or at least agree to wait a while to see if things change with support. You may not make a difference at all through no fault of your own, BUT wouldnt you want to try to make a difference if you could, instead of being so hardened that the person in turmoil knows you wouldnt care & would avoid you, yes you, because you think & act like you are so far above them. I make no apology for this post, im fed up with people being so self righteous that they believe its always some one elses problem or some one else is the problem. NO ! These attitudes are the problem, offering hope & encouragement & being genuine with people is free, avoiding the seemingly negative or depressed or too hard or the high maintenance people around you, says so much more about you in a negative way ! ! Make a difference & be the one who doesnt think you are so superior, that others dont matter, be the one who encourages others, instead of thinking, it will interfere with your narcissistic view that suicide wont interfere with your having it all together life style & busy schedule. We can all lose what we have so very quickly & yes it could even happen to you. Reach out, encourage, hug, pray, support, refer & dont give up on people. Their life may depend on you doing this.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:01:16 +0000

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