Tomorrow we will have a pleasure to welcome another speaker at the - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow we will have a pleasure to welcome another speaker at the very successful seminar series ‘Research Methods in Demography and Beyond’ in the Institute of Population Ageing. The seminar will take place tomorrow, Wednesday 11th of June from 12:30-2pm in the Seminar room. The speaker is Dr. Jonathan Minton from the University of Glasgow and he will be talking about ‘Demographic scars and demographic futures: The accidental rediscovery of shaded contour maps for exploring the nooks and crannies of Lexis surfaces from nearly forty nations’. It is promising to be a very interesting talk, but if you still can’t decide whether to attend, please read the short outline below and mark this time in your diary for the seminar. Abstract: “Lexis plots show how something varies with age and year. Conceptually they are virtual surfaces produced by turning variations in time into variations in space. Like spatial surfaces, maps can be produced of the variations shown, and like spatial surfaces, maps can be vital for better understanding the terrain and avoiding getting lost. This presentation will show how one of the earliest approaches for mapping physical topography, contour plots, can be usefully applied to the virtual topography of Lexis surfaces. I will show how contour plots can be used to very quickly identify complex age, period, and cohort effects within tens of thousands of data points, as well as broader mortality trends. I will also show how contour plot methods can be used to make at-a-glance comparisons between populations both within and between nations. I will conclude by discussing some of the many avenues for further research and exploration that the contour mapping approach makes possible, including describing some of the technical challenges involved in producing such visualisations. Researchers wishing to explore the visualisations ahead of the presentation are strongly encouraged to view my latest paper on the area, as well as the associated code, both available from the links below: sciencedirect/science/article/pii/S1877584514000173 : We are looking forward to seeing you at the seminar tomorrow! Do not hesitate to forward the call to anyone who might be interested in attending. The full seminar programme is available here:
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 15:51:43 +0000

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