Toxic Testing cannot be decoupled from Toxic Common Core - TopicsExpress


Toxic Testing cannot be decoupled from Toxic Common Core Curriculum and Toxic Common Core standards. They are designed to work together. I have yet to see a common core curriculum - that mind you is getting force fed to teachers and students dictator style - that is not scripted, filled with test prep, and filled with mind-numbing formulaic writing or multiple choice questions. All boring. All create non-thinkers. All destroy democracy. Anyone who stands by the common core is assisting in the dismantling of the public schools and assisting in the abuse of children - Im not mincing words today. Why? Cause Im watching it first hand and I am sick of outsiders making decisions that harm children while they gain money and political status. Im watching children be used like guinea pigs. Right now, my only backup is parents. Parents - begin to file open records requests in your school to get contracts on this new CC curriculum and testing. Find out the cost. Begin to carefully examine this curriculum - alongside ed. activists who can help you identify the test prep and the ever so slick character building being enforced to engage these children on these tests - the children are tired, they are fed up with testing - and folks are afraid that when PARCC arrives they will just whip through the test and get it done. Therefore, perseverance and character building is becoming the name of the game - children must be forced to persevere on these tests. I am telling you, this campaign is at times a loud and clear campaign to privatize using our children, and other times it is subtle and doesnt show up on the radar. Its war at all levels. And I dont exaggerate. Ask me about my week. One day - testing all day. Another half day - Pearson online social studies curriculum training. Another full day - coach training for me by a former TFA. The other two and a half days? I did my best to help children and teachers engage in authentic learning. One week. One teacher. Your tax dollars at work. And children suffering. Where is the outrage. And where is my backup? Right now, parents, you are it. Thank you. Revolt.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 15:41:58 +0000

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