Traffic Master plan PJ - Please submit your proposal to the link - TopicsExpress


Traffic Master plan PJ - Please submit your proposal to the link below I have drafted the Proposal below for your convenience -please copy and paste to the link above Building more roads, flyovers and tunnels only encourage more cars (SOV) hence more fuel subsidy wastage on the government, carbon emission and traffic nuisance due to artilleries of bottleneck that leads to anger and lower productivity of rakyat! If it does, why is traffic congestion getting worse in Klang Valley with more than 10 highways with toll collection ? BRT-this hybrid is the cost efficient and sustainable solution to a relatively lower populated in PJ The roots of traffic jam in KL,Petaling Jaya are simply because : 1. Too many SOV on the road during peak hour as a result of Government’s policy to protect and sell more protons 2. More cars on the road means more toll collection for Cronies concessionaires 3. More highways, tunnel, highway that will benefit crony construction companies 4. Because of government priority and policies where “Kroni di dahulukan, Rakyat diketepikan”, good bus industries for public transport is deliberately ignored, the rakyat in KL metropolitan have no choice but forced to buy cars to get to work. 5. Government’s Rapid KL fails simply because there is no separated bus lane for bus. 6. Spad is ineffective in addressing traffic congestion issues being a federal body they need not face the music by electorate. The power to plan and design an efficient public transport system shall be in the hand in the state level as they know the local condition well and are accountable and subject to the pressure of voters. The present situation is SPAD need not face the music and accountable to the people as they are a federa l body. BRT the a 30 times cheaper than KLMRT and cost efficient Solution The right Solution for KL, PJ, JB, Penang, Klang is BRT 30 times cheaper and easier to construct than MRT! First declare KL. PJ as Special Traffic Zone and implement affordable BRT (Bus Rapid Transit System to ease traffic congestion as population here is not as densely populated as in Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo. What is BRT? (Bus Rapid Transit) whatsonxiamen/tag-Xiamen+BRT.html, BRT is a transit system that utilizes separated bus ways, with modern stations, feeder services, integrated pedestrian access, rapid boarding and high service frequency, strategically connected to other modes of public transport. It will feature park and ride infrastructure and covered walkways to all major commercial centers, as well as the latest eco-friendly bus system with disabled-friendly features. BRT simply means have designated, barricade lane for bus (be it electric, natural gas, articulated bus) separated from vehicles so that buses can move smoothly and punctually without jam. Places already implemented with BRT system are Curituba, Brazil, Jakarta, Xiamen china, Guanghzou and many other cities. Designated lane can be built on exiting road or elevated (in urban area). Allow air-conditioned comfortable mini-bus (can be electric-environmental friendly) to ply Taman-Taman in suburban areas but not into the city and connect to the main arteries serviced by BRT leading to the cities. This mini-bus can be opened to individual as operator to create more job opportunities with tax, incentives given) Open contra –flow lanes (reserved lanes for buses only moving in a jam free direction opposite to that of the flow of traffic in the other lanes esp. peak hour) Build more comfortable Bus Stations (if possible air-cond due to our hot climate) privatized or sponsored by private sector so that government can save the rakyat billions. Implement BRT in stages say for instance PJ so that all resources can be channeled to make sure it is a success, weakness fine tune then only duplicate success model to other areas such as Cheras, Kepong. BN Government is not stupid! If not how on earth can they build the tallest twin tower in the world? Then why is the BN government not doing it? – Because of self interest? Such as 1. Privatization of Highway enriched cronies? 2. The national Automotive Policy (NAP sidelined or ignored a good public Transport system at the expense of rakyat ? 3. More profit selling Smart Tags, toll collection. 4. More super profit for crony construction companies to be made building highways, tunnel, and flyovers. AS a result the rakyat are screwed yet they are not aware and fail to put pressure on the government! mini-bus can be opened to individual as operator to create more job opportunities with tax, incentives given Spad should consider this !
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 09:04:52 +0000

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