Transformers Age of Extinction will be the biggest movie of the - TopicsExpress


Transformers Age of Extinction will be the biggest movie of the summer, I will bet you. But I figured I would do a spoiler filled review of the movie. Just me telling you stuff that I couldnt in the spoiler free movie. Keep notice, if you havent seen Transformers yet do not read this, if you do its not my fault. So too start off the plot of the movie didnt do much for me. Im gonna break down the three acts of the movie right now. The first act was probably the best I thought. Other than Wahlberg I didnt really care about his daughter. Was she attractive? Obviously its a Michael Bay movie but her character was really flat. I dont care that much about the family issue it wasnt developed enough. But its T. J. Millers character that is the most annoying shit of the movie. Hes the regular surfer/stoner guy who whips out all of the jokes. I hated this guy, I was begging he would get killed off which he did I was sighed in relief. I really did, it was the Michael Bay humor he was spitting out. When Cade meets a wounded Optimus Prime and I did like that part of it. This Optimus wasnt the same robot he was before. He no longer cares about humans and actually hates them now, it added more character to him this time. Around his time we see Autobot Ratchet get killed which I actually felt some emotion then. He was one of the first Autobots and seeing him die like that did bother me, I liked him. This is the closest we get to an actually emotion in this lifeless 2 dimensional shit movie. But when the whole agents come to find Optimus it started to get a lot worse. Michael Bay started to use slow motion for no reason and that just annoyed me, randomly and it didnt help the movie or anything. So theres a chase that was kind of cool but then we hit the second act, the worse of the three. I feel like this one could have been erased from the entire movie and things wouldnt be different. When Optimus gets captured I felt that it didnt do anything which it didnt! All it did was give you another cool action scene so you get more Bumblebee. This whole hour was just a waste of time and by the end of it I wanted the movie to end. But it continues to go on after this and we get into something with Megatron being brought back into Galvatron which is obvious just a set up for Transformers 5 in 2016. The third act is just the action we wanted. But again the movie has gone on too long and when the hour action scenes are going down I was bored out of my mind. It kept going and going and going, this movie is so relentless the explosions and action got boring. Michael Bay proves that explosions can be boring as hell. If we had gone away with the second act and went here this movie might have gotten a positive B rating for me but seeing how useless it was and it kept dragging on I just didnt give a shit anymore. With the Dinobots I wanted a lot more than I got. They came in the final thirty minutes and in those final minutes its worth it. They look amazing and it was awesome seeing Optimus team up with them and rip shit apart but it was also just boring. We had gotten so much action that it was boring. The first few minutes of Dinobots was cool but they are wasted big time. I wasnt a fan of how they were brought in, something the creators or something? It didnt make sense nor did I really care. In the action there wasnt any tension at all. It was predictable what was going to happen I knew that all of them were going to survive and because of that the suspense and thrills do nothing. I liked how Wahlberg actually did stuff, he grabs an alien gun and shoots up to pieces. Cool. Also I had to bring up the visuals, for the most part they seemed great but at times it looked fake. It really did if you look hard enough, the first movies visuals looked better, that was seven years ago. I dont see any Oscar nominations coming this movies way unlike the first three. Because of the length I and the way it dragged on combined with the awful acting of Peltz and Reynor and the stupid script and plot I hated this movie. This is one of the worst movies of the year big time and I felt like I did need to talk to you all about this. If youve read this dont you agree with it? My grandmother enjoyed the movie agreed that the second part was unnecessary and it dragged on. My sister hated the movie more than I did and keeps yelling at me how I dragged her to see it. Instead of seeing Transformers, see Edge of Tomorrow a great movie.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 19:01:38 +0000

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