Tuesday’s results literally define “massive and historic.” - TopicsExpress


Tuesday’s results literally define “massive and historic.” The GOP needed to win six U.S. Senate seats. It looks like they’ve won a remarkable nine (with a comfortable lead in Alaska and a projected win in the December Louisiana runoff). The 12 House seats won by the GOP now expands the GOP majority to historic levels. But there are more highlights. The GOP destroyed Jimmy Carter’s grandson in Georgia’s Governor race. Governor Scott Walker was re-elected in Wisconsin despite tens of millions spent by unions across the country. The GOP elected Governors in deep, deep blue states like Illinois, Massachusetts and Maryland. Obama himself campaigned for the Democrat Governor candidate Anthony Brown in Maryland. The man that some in the media called “mini Obama” went down to a stunning defeat. Michelle Obama campaigned for Senator Mark Pryor in Arkansas. He lost big time in the same state where he won 79% of the vote only six years ago. Hillary and Bill campaigned all over the country- almost every candidate they supported was wiped out (only Senator Sheehan in New Hampshire won). And the defeat of a Democratic Governor in the President’s home state hasn’t happened since 1892. When I predicted “massive and historic,” I might have understated the results! So what happened? How did I know what was about to transpire? This was a total rejection, repudiation and condemnation of everything Obama believes in. This was middle class America telling Obama to shove it where the sun don’t shine. I wrote the national bestseller, “The Murder of the Middle Class” pointing out what Obama and his socialist cabal were doing to America, capitalism and the great American middle class. What we all just witnessed was a middle class uprising. This was THE REVENGE OF THE MIDDLE CLASS. What woke the sleeping giant? What caused the middle class to rise up against Obama? In my previous commentaries I explained that the root of Obama’s election day debacle would be the Obama lies about the economy and the twin disasters of Obamacare and Ebola.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 22:32:07 +0000

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