U know im starting to love how corrupt our government rly is. I - TopicsExpress


U know im starting to love how corrupt our government rly is. I just read that our gas n cigarett prices are going up once again come wednesday. By almost a dollar if not a dollar per gal per pack. Its like wtf. Now a days 99 percent of the jobs that hire without a degree in some collage. Are driving jobs eather delivery aka ur own vehicle or taxi aka out of ur own pocket in cash wise or hell even driving truck class a most companies pay u per mile. Now gas stops are going to be more frequent for all because no one wants to pay almost 100 bucks per fill up. Honestly people made cars not for the fact to make people broke. Only for them to get from point a to point b quicker. Home to job home to school ect ect. Y make it harder n harder for kids to get a car nor anyone else be able to afford driving now a days. Hell there are still jobless people out there trying to get a job to get there car or truck back on the road n now its almost impossible to do so with the gas always going up. Whats wrong u cant find enough oil anywhere. Well guess what people are out there making h2o running cars n electric ones too maybe to save gas u could advertise lower cost to those cars to help out earth. Then gas can go back down for us lower class to afford. This is a sad world now a days where nothings free nor exciting anymore back when i was 16 gas was 1.25 pr gallion now its almost 4 in aome states its up to 8 or 9 rly who can handle that. N jobs dont pay enough for the ones that do work. Especially when they have other bills to pay let alone gas. N now cigaretts are going up to some people thats there stress relief medicine yes i know it causes cancer n but now a days people choose to give up there lives bassed on they dont want to life in a society that this world has come to anymore hence y us smokers smoke. Its just sad to see people being happy when things were easier n now seeing people give up n loose hope in life for what they once could afford to now there hopes n dreams come crashing down. Life sucks these days n the ones who dont deserve the wealth are getting wealthier n the poor is becoming poorer. I just wish this world could be a little more easier n see more smiles on peoples faces then pissed off looks 24/7. Thank u america for crashing alls hopes n dreams for ever making someones dreams come true. N on that note even with a degree or even military experience people are still getting screwed with no good enough paying jobs eatha. Really good work there guys. The ones that actually make someone out of themselves n do good for america also gets treated as poorly as the ones born in this country. Do me a favor stop bring in people who were born in other countries n paying for everything for them to enjoy a good life over hea n take care of the ones who are struggline in america first. Thank u for ur time n try all to have a good day for once. I know its hard but its still the will of the word try
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 15:13:01 +0000

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