UNDERSTANDING THE APOSTOLIC SPIRITS OF THE 7 CHURCHES OF THE EPISTLES AND THE 7 SPIRITS OF THE CHURCHES AND ANGELS OF THE REVELATION. (ref. Acts 28:17-31 and Rev.2:1- 3:1-22). It is important and vital for those today, who believe GOD has Called them into Biblical ministry and the continuation of Christ Jesus and The Apostles work of the ministry. There is so much mixture today in the local Churches of the spiritual immaturity and consciousness of people who gather today. We must note that, Apostle Paul address his Letters, which are Epistles, to 7 Churches of Turkey-Asia and the Roman Empire. The spirits of the 7 Churches can be seen again, receiving ADMONISHMENT and CORRECTION from CHRIST JESUS, TO THE ANGLES Who WATCHED-OVER them. Notice, it was ANGELS Whom the Apostle John was asked to write too; NOT PASTORS or Apostles. Within the dynamics of most Churches and religions today, is a melting-pot of the various spiritual thoughts, which consist of the spirit of the LEADER (S) as well, who has spoke into the believers lives. One of the major hindrances of Jesus release of Kingdom Authority to the people of the Land of Judea and Galilee, was that it CONFLICTED WITH THE ESTABLISHED RELIGIOUS ORDERS AND LEADERS, WHO HAS NO AUTHORITY OVER SPIRITS AND DEMONS THAT WERE OPPRESSING THE PEOPLE. I believe, that this is one of the grave dynamics that is over-looked or under-looked by leaders today. There is an assumption that those who gather and come, are ready for the release of KINGDOM AUTHORITY and The Apostolic Gospels of The Kingdom. IN TRUTH, IN MANY CASES, WHEN KINGDOM AUTHORITY IS TRULY RELEASE, THERE IS A BACK-LASH AND OR REBELLION WITHIN THE HOUSE AND CHURCH. Jesus constantly endured religious-backlash after He would release His Authority among the people (read:.Matt.11:16-19,20;12:1-8,9-13,14-21;15:1-9 and John 6:60-71). Many leaders are not discerning the Body accurately, as it regards MIXTURE of spirits and demons and religious-spirits (ref. Mark 7:6-9). In Matthew 23:13-36, Jesus describes the Character of the Scribes and Pharisees in 7 WOES. Spiritual MIXTURE is rampant in the Latter-Day Churches. Just as rampant as the spirit of mixture in leaders. This is why many people move from one church to another, without any ROOTS or FRUIT; THEY ARE NOT LOOKING TO OVERCOME. The SPIRIT OF THE 7 CHURCHES OF THE EPISTLES, WHICH HAS THEIR ORIGIN IN THE BOOK OF ACTS (Acts of the HOLY SPIRIT through the Apostles, Prophets and Evangelists) are REAL today, more so than they were in the 1st Century Church,BECAUSE OF THE SPREAD OF APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION AND MINISTRY; THE FULFILLMENT OF MATTHEW 28:18-20. Most Churches today, DONT HAVE AN ANGEL AS THEIR WATCH-MEN, BUT A PASTOR; THEREFORE, THERE WILL BE NO WARNING GIVEN TO THEM (read: Matt. 24:36-44 and 45-51. The Parables of THE TEN VIRGINS and THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTS sums up the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN RESPONSE TO UNPREPARED LEADERS AND SERVANTS. Then read the Parable of the JUDGMENT OF THE GENTILES (ref. Matt.25:31-46). The VISION which Apostle John received, written in the Book of Revelation, simply, yet profoundly gives us an OVER-VIEW of the FINAL-END of what the ministry of Christ Jesus continues to endure today, since HIS ASCENSION. 7 SPIRITS OF 7 CHURCHES AND THEIR WATCHMEN... THE ANGELS!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 21:33:54 +0000

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